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AuthorThe Trial
The last upgrade came on 21 of the month.20 days after "The anniversary".So Next upgrade will come on 11 of June. lol
Today it's 10th so tommorow upgrades will come xD.
I have a proposal for all of us.

How if we help lordswm to become more popular?
We put lordswm in game forums, game polls, like Zyanya already did in "Vote for LordsWM!".
This time we put it in many game forums and game polls, lets say 10 game forums and 10 game polls, not just in 1 site.

May plan:
1. Create lorsdwm topics in as much as possible game forum and we post there every day so that other people get attracted to try lordswm.
2. Put lordswm in as much as possible game polls and vote there everyday.
3. Create a sticky topic here to give the link of those game forums and game polls and remind everybody to post or vote everyday.

We have a target to increase lordswm players until lets say 1800-2000 players login in the same time everyday. After we reach that number, lets see admins' respond.
If Admins still develop this game slowly and still have bad communication with us then we abandon the project and leave lordswm.
How abou that?
- They have 7 (seven, yes seven) pages of official announcements, we have 1.

- They had 20 tournaments (they are ready to play number 21) we had 3.

Did you even bother to check what kind of announcements they have, most of them introduce guilds, items and features we had from the very beginning and a big portion of the events they had were before the introduction of mercenary and thief guild.

Of course I like updates like everybody else, but you make it sound like there is nothing to do in this game without a continuous flow of updates. This game beats every other online game I played by miles and it is fun to play with or without updates.
Marketing is always a good idea! A great help to the comunity is donate, another help is to support the game with things like the one you propose.

But I don't think the problem of this game is "to be known".

289.090 characters (http://www.guildofheroes.ru/lords.php) were created on .com, only 1.300 are constantly online.

1.133.040 characters (http://www.guildofheroes.ru/players.php) were created on .ru, they have over 10.000 character's constantly online.

If the problem was only a marketing problem, we can assume the same relation between number of character created/pleyers online on .ru and .com.

number of character created on .ru/number of character created on .ru = 3,92

So, if it's only a problem of markering, we should have at least 10.000/3,92 characters constantly online on .com. This should mean more ore less 2.500 players online.

The gap between this number and the reality (1300) is due (in my hunble opinion) to the lach of development. .ru it's two time more funny than .com.
for fusei:

a page of the forum is made by 30 posts: 7*30 is 210.

We have 26 post on the official announcements. I leave any further comment to the others...

Ask for a better development of our beloved game is not wrong if we are polite. A polite answer should be welcome. But I'm a dreamer
If you really need announcements for things like introduction of mana potions, hunter highscores and caravans for thiefguild, I don't.

You mean polite like in presuming ill intend Maybe it's what the admins are looking for. No more than 1500 players, no work to do, a little but costant income from the new players. or comparing their game with work The game for me is becoming like a day of work into a factory!, I'd call that ungrateful, but not polite.
for fusei:

I compared their game with a Ferrari to and I've said it's the best online game I've ever played. But you can continue saying half of the truth if you wish deleting on purpose the reasons of what I wrote...

introduction of mana potions, hunter highscores and caravans for thiefguild = 3 posts

210 - 3 = 207. Go on please, untill 26 if you can...
A rusting Ferrari is really a great compliment, I still think this thread is rather ungrateful.

210 - 3 = 207. Go on please, untill 26 if you can...

Why don't you recount the announcements you'd like to have here that are not to compensate for the lack of later introduced guilds and we see if it's really out of scale considering the age and size of .ru.
to avoid any further speculation...

Exactly!!! I couldn't care less of castle upgrades!!! But use your immagination please, or someone amputate it to you... Probably you haven't played the dragon's event if you don't understand what I am saying. But wouldn't you like if this game could be more various? Don't you see the incredible potential of this beautiful game? It's like a Ferrari locked into a garage to make rust!

Why don't you recount the announcements you'd like to have here that are not to compensate for the lack of later introduced guilds and we see if it's really out of scale considering the age and size of .ru.

maybe because I don't speak russian? And because I don't have all the time to look trough 210 post with a translator? And because numbers are saying more then we can?

Look fusei, I'm trying to be a good friend for lordswm.com. But a good friend is not the one that is always ready to say "you are the best", "you got all the reasons", "I love you madly"...

A good friend gives you his suggestions and it's ready to be honest with you, even if he is not on your side. He asks you the reasons of what you did if he think you are wrong. You can always talk with a good friend of everything. I can be a friend of lordswm.com, not a running dog (not sure it's the right translation).

I don't claim lordswm.com needs me or my opinions, but I'm still free to talk, isn't it?
maybe because I don't speak russian? And because I don't have all the time to look trough 210 post with a translator? And because numbers are saying more then we can?

Then why do you want me to count down? Numbers, don't really say anything and I think my point still stands.

A good friend certainly gives suggestions and opinions, but a good friend never builds a constant pressure to finally have his way. Of course you can voice your opinion, but don't expect everyone to agree with you (and the way you do it).
I made statements explaining my reasons and giving dates and evidence of what I was saying. You can be on my side or not, but there is non need to make it personal fusei. If you want to continue this, please send me a pm. ;-)

I think that there is a big difference between 210 and 26, I'm strong enouth to accept there are people who doesn't. And maybe I am a rude beast too. Ok.

But can we talk about intersting things? I tink that the last interesting post I wrote was 44. My answer to the proposal of SpecialOne. I'd like if we should start again from there. Anyone agrees? Anyone disaggees?
For post 44:

Why we should think that way, why not think in more positive way.

Let's think like this:
In Russian server, there are already 1.133.040 people (forget about multis) tried lordswm and only 10.000 people keeps playing.
In English (rest of world) server, there are still only 289.090 people who know about lordswm so still so many many people don't know about lordswm.

It means that we have a big chance that if this game is introduced to more than 1 million people, the number of English server players can exceed the number of Russian server players. :)
for SpecialOne:

You are right for sure!

I'm serious, I totally agree with you! But I've tried to give the evidence that if it's clear that the .ru is more popular in Russia than the .com in the rest of the world, this is only one side of the problem.
The other side is that on .ru, "the number of players online" divided by "the number of characters created", is duble than on .com. And I think the reason is a better development on .ru server. Events, tournaments and things to do.

The potential of this game is incredible. And the world is bigger than Russia if you want to collect new players. So I don't completely unterstand. Are we some kind of Beta-tester? Is there a project behind this? Or not?

A fact is that where the game is supported well, the number of players rises.
Thats why with all of you, I want to launch a massive campaign about lordswm.com
Off course this would be better if Admins support our effort.
This can be a win solution for both of us, Admins and players.
The problem is we can not talk to Admins.

Hi Admins, are you reading this?
only good banner in right places can bring more players
recently i start seeing ads for lwm in various websites
it could be done.....there is many national clans, maybe we should try to engage the power of it, I mean mass message [cause not everybody read forum] about game and helping to gain more players, there are many things we can do [not only wait for admins move], its in our interest too I think.

something like promotion campaign day of lordswm ;)
recently i start seeing ads for lwm in various websites
There have always been very few scattered across the net. I found the game via Kongregate ad revenue.
I posted my invitation link on a website that's very famous in my country.

the result:

You have invited: 1009 players.

beat this :)
heh ye and 1000 is Your multi ;p heh joking great job =]
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