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Author[RENT] TGI for rent
i can give you a TGI, but with some rules.

Renting TGI rules :

1) You have to pay me 15000 prepaid!
2) If u reach TG2 in 2 week, i take 1 thief art of my choice
3) Every day after 14, thief pays me 2000 Gold
4) Returned thief art(s) must be full durability and not bought from the market
5) If TGI is not returned in 1 month, u must pay 400000 gold or u will get blocked

- You must be Combat Level 6 at least
- You plan with a full time Thief activity for about 2 weeks.
- You need to show me a full art set.

If u are agreeable on the above rules, pls send me a mail

P.S. i speak Russian
I, mov-81, take a TGI from Yur4uk. and i'm obliged to give him one thief art at his choice when i get 2 lvl in TG and 2000 per day after 2 weeks of leasing or 400000 after 1 month.
or i will be BLOCKED!!!
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