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AuthorIsent Kiaune Cheating?????
Isent Kiaune Cheating?????
Kiaune has left the game right? and right before she sent a present to Fes??
06-16-09 18:33: Transferred 212000 Gold to Fes : 30% as present total 709k

soooo in the rules(the rule below) it says its forbidden to transfer things right before leaving.. so Kiaune is cheating right??

3.15. Large transfers for the reason of leaving the game etc. are forbidden. Presents must not exceed 30% of the monetary property of the character per month. Monetary property is considered: gold + seven primary resources (wood, ore, mercury, sulfur, crystals, gems, leather) only. Rare trophies, Thief invitations, etc. transferred as gifts are valued at market price.
Presents must not exceed 30% of the monetary property of the character per month.

Its main words in this situation. Try to read inscription again: 30% as present total 709k. So All in rules.
No she's not, as long as it's not more then 30% it's okay.
yeah buutt "Large transfers for the reason of leaving the game etc. are forbidden"
I belive you are abseloutly correct Cascol. it is clearly stated in the rules that "Large transfers for the reason of leaving the game etc. are forbidden".
Yes you are allowed to transfer 30% as a gift, but not if you are leaving, and he/she clearly stated he/she would.

You can transfer 30% once if you are leaving - i have asked mods/admins in the past and they confirmed.

Rule not very clear worded but it is allowed.
No. 200k is large for one player and little for other. In this rule administration told how big summe can you transfer. Its no 5k, no 30k, etc - its 30%. So if Kiaune had 5kk gold, he could send 1.5kk.

Btw, if you think its a cheat - write topic in correct forum. Useless, i think, but not in general ofcourse.

PS: envy is bad feeling.
*face is bright green*

previos post is ansver on 5 post.

Jabbar takes off all reflections =) Just asked admins =)
Come on boys and girls....really!!!!
Let him/her go in peace if he/she chooses.
I agree.
Not implying if Kiaune is 'cheating' or not. Either way, don't really matter to a noob like me. :p

This is just to comment on that paragraph of rules that's pasted here.

If you looked at it, "Large transfers for the reason of leaving the game etc. are forbidden." and "Presents must not exceed 30% of the monetary property of the character per month." are clearly 2 separate sentences, and not related to one another.

IF they were meant to be, then the first sentence is really redundant coz "Presents must not exceed 30% of the monetary property of the character per month." would have sufficed, and no need to write the first sentence at all.

So in the context of the english language , giving "Large transfers for the reason of leaving the game etc. are forbidden." should be what it meant, and should have nothing to do with whether it is below 30% of one's total 'monetary property'.

PS: This is just my personal opinion, so pls kindly don't reply and say that unless I'm some English professor, I shouldn't comment on the English language. I'm no professor! heh.. :p

**Nothing personal against Kiaune. I respect him/her for what he/she has achieved. :)
cheating or not cheating.. so what? doesn't really worth to be discussed.

so sad that another great player is leaving for the reasons that we all understand.
PS: When I wrote my above post, the replies was only at #4. :p
Large transfers for the reason of leaving the game etc. are forbidden

by large it means more than 30%
by large it means more than 30%

Lol smartest post in the thead.
by large it means more than 30%
Thanks Pentagon.. That must be it i was just wondering..

And for MoonVampire.. Envy?? i dont feel envy.. i have all i need.. i was just wondering.. so please dont talk of thinks you dont know anything about..
That is a pretty nice present ^

Btw that rule applies to people that typically decide to send EVERYTHING on their account to someone else.

closed by Lord Cascol (2009-06-17 04:28:53)
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