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Author5000 messages w00t
cover up
Crunchy like KFC~
Kentucky Fried Chicken~
Man, this player just moves at the end of the second in the assist, I HATE THIS!
Can't believe that I'm the fool again!!
Came here to flood again!!
How was I to know?
No one never told me.
Crazy afker
cover up cruelty to cats
Under cover cruelty to cats That taste like Kentucky Fried Chicken~
I am spartan the cat huger (>=.=<)

p/s : I prefer teddy bear~ <(o.O)>
Let's play a game, so we'll reach 5k faster.

yay spartan :)

i'm down to 16k again *sob*
Sya got 1500 marbles while Phist got 125 more then Ram.Ram has 20% of both Sya's marble and Zem. Zem has equal to the average of the marbles. How much marbles does Phist has?

P/S: I just made it out
umm im too lazy to do the math :P

for gurumao: Im telling mom! =O
How much the chance of getting "TAILS" from a quarter?

A. 1/2
B. 1/4
C. 4/10
D. 3/4

she knows, i'm being scolded on PM :(
[Post deleted by moderator Zyanya // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Zyanya // ]
[Player banned by moderator Zyanya until 2009-07-07 10:55:29 // Non-English flood]
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