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Author5000 messages w00t
you can do it guru!!!!!!!
u can do it
:/ just realised i slept only for 3 hours.
that suxs
5k by the end of today?
i doubt it
cover up the mod challenge thread is about to turn nasty...
what's the upper limit for posts in a thread anyway?
is it just me or does roul seems purposeless after breaking even :(
mod chanllenge ?
you know the "how fast can mod lock this" topic
oh that dumb thing
yeah, and the last post is against this thread \O/
what did we ever do to get hated :(
nothing but have fun next one should be 10k messages lol
D: all caps... don't get banned else i'll feel guilty :p
waiting 4 4712!!!!!
inertia 4tw!!!!!
Guru is Sensei?
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