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Lexa's character page

AuthorLexa's character page
I came across the character page of Lexa, who is apparently an Admin character. I must say, I find it absolutely offensive. If I knew the Admins have such a contemptuous attitude towards players, I would not have devoted so much time to this game. The disappointment I feel right now is utterly gut-wrenching.
Lexa isnt an admin!
it's taken from this site :

(source : https://www.lordswm.com/clan_info.php?id=7255)

and it's not directed at players in general... just some facts he came across probably?
PS i know i know - no external links allowed (i've been posting too many external links, relevant but external, links lately)
Lexa isnt an admin!

As above, Lexa is a player (from the Russian version I believe) with admin privileges but is not one of the developers of the game so his "game laws" on his profile is his own views. He certainly doesn't speak for the ones who did create lwm...
He surely knows english
I must say, I find it absolutely offensive. If I knew the Admins have such a contemptuous attitude towards players, I would not have devoted so much time to this game

You may or may not understand irony when you see it, but speaking of the "comptemptuous attitude" of admins towards players is certainly not a good way to start a conversation.
closed by Lord Kotrin (2009-06-30 10:23:15)
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