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AuthorFree Stuff!!!
"If the answer is available, why people still finding the answer."
Because they don't know it. It is available, but no one knows what it is.
If it wasn't available, people won't even have a chance of finding it.
nobody has reported him XD

im still waiting for them to get to the hundreds of cheaters i already reported... including drakelord -_- lol
if u go to his acc ull see a dozen cheaters

treylee 1 + 2
ivo (all of them) lol...

anywhooooooo back to the topic

what do you all live for?

^.^ i live for beauty and for the people with the eyes to see it
we will miss your floods =p
i dont flood i just report cheaters in completely random places? lol
i guess lol
for DeasprateDesire: lots of people questioned that.

Golfmaniac was my main when I enrolled in those clans and was also my main when I bought it from masterti.

I gave the clan to hockeymaniac LEGALLY when i made it my main.
that isnt legally the rules even say ur not alowed to interact with mults/main in any way... lol u cant legally transfer at all ANYTHING
for DeasprateDesire: I have been reported for it if you dig for it. I was not fined because it happened LEGALLY
Q: I have a main char and an extra char. Can I switch them, with extra becoming main, and main – extra?
A: Yes you can, but your ex-main will most probably be blocked. After all it will have loans, repairs, etc. – all things not permitted for extrachars.
for lukeman56789: your extra char will NOT be blocked as long as you don't continue making loans, joining clans, ect. When it becomes ur mult.
read it =_=
3.13. Additional characters are not allowed to make presents to anyone, or pay/receive clan taxes/entrance fees. When buying game items from other characters, the prices mustn't differ too much from the average market prices.

btw lukeman changing main doesnt mean give everything from 1 to another it just means that ur new main will be alowwed to join clans get a thief invite and exc.
well there is stil 10/10 great hunter maskrobe
near 3k
and 33/80 sword of might left
closed by DeasprateDesire (2009-06-30 07:30:48)
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