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Author | Allowed to give things to new char? |
Just one question, quicky one.
If I gets tired of this char and quits, is it allowed to make a new char and I give everything I own to the new one?
Regards, | no | you will be blocked if you try
a frank and to the point:
No. | Okey, thanks.
Just to be on the sure side, it's allowed to give all things to a friend then?
Regards, | As the rules say: only 30% from your property. | Ah. Okey, thanks.
That was everything, lock the thread! (;
Calyptos | 3.11. Any transfers, (including those through the market or through a third party), combats (including those with other players involved) and "Two Towers" games between multiple characters of one person are prohibited. Such line should clearly state who is the main character, and who is the extra one. Additional characters who aren't signed will be blocked without any warning!
3.13. Additional characters are not allowed to make presents to anyone, or pay/receive clan taxes/entrance fees. When buying game items from other characters, the prices mustn't differ too much from the average market prices. Trying to wash the money through substitute parties is a serious violation leading to block of the additional characters and penalty to the main one.
3.15. Large transfers for the reason of leaving the game etc. are forbidden. Presents must not exceed 30% of the monetary property of the character per month. Monetary property is considered: gold + seven primary resources (wood, ore, mercury, sulfur, crystals, gems, leather) only. Rare trophies, Thief invitations, etc. transferred as gifts are valued at market price. | closed by Calyptos (2009-07-11 05:25:25) |
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