Author | Battle Chat Level filter |
Agree .. :) Some low level players really annoying .. telling somethins useless .. and just "distract" .. :) |
true i would give it a + i agree with randhy |
Asking for advice in battles when they're too lazy or impatient to write a PM. Also beggars who when snubbed insult! Tiresome.
+1 To suggestion |
+1 to the idea. I find it extremely annoying when I'm watching these battles and a million people start spamming the battle chat. |
but I think it would be nice to split the chat area, 1 side for all combat data ex)"swordsmen dealt 105 damage to shrews 8 die"(made up numbers)
and the other side for all chating
ex)"*lik:Yo Pheonix losing again?(lol)" |
#25, that actually isnt a bad idea. |
for PheonixHunter: that is cool .. :) deal with that .. :) |