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Hey, something cool happened to me today, i lost a battle to elite forest keepers, and then i saw merc quest available, and did it, (escort gargo to misty coast), and i had just died and had 0 hp, then when i moved a fight started, and after the fight i saw hp was already like 80 with 3 minutes :D is it a glitch or something ? or fast healing trick ?
80 with 3 minutes

mby was not 3 min but 13 ?
07-18-09 08:51: • Dark elves-brigands {2} vs Hard0wn3r[8]
07-18-09 08:47: Hard0wn3r[8] vs Elite forest keepers (241)

https://www.lordswm.com/pl_warlog.php?id=4548494 my combat log

See 3 minutes later next is finished already, after a lose
well mby it was a bug..
it is a well known fact that you can escort caravan even if your health is below 100% so I see no problem there.
if whole ambush took only 3 minutes and you ended with 80% of health, it would suggest that game probably expected you to travel with 100% health and therefore if 20% of your troops were slayed during ambush, you ended with 80% health.
When I think about it, it is quite probable - if game should consider your health before ambush, compare it with outcome of the battle (is damage during ambush higher than damage from previous battle or not?) and decide which "health" it should use, game mechanics would need another variable. And let's be honest, this variable would not be used very often.
ok thanks over , closed
closed by Hard0wn3r (2009-07-18 13:55:38)
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