Mercenaries’ Guild
Level Pts Bonus
0 0 Meteorite shard, Toadstool
1 50 new elements
2 120 +1 primary skill, new elements
3 300 new elements
4 600 +1 primary skill, up to 2 elements as a reward
5 1000
6 1500 +1 primary skill
7 2200
at 2, 4 and 6 you get a new primary skill, but on 2 and 4 you get new elements as well, so I'm suggesting a new reward that could be added for gaining either level 5 or 6 in mercenaries guild, which would be you are able to ask a friend for help in the merc quest, only difference is they have to be in your friend list, you can't just ask and anyone can help you with it, it would also help tide over the last 700 mercs from merc guild level 6 and 7, to help soften the blow of no reward for reaching level 7 |