Author | #284 - Malaysia Boleh, for all ! |
I am sry, formal leader of this clan, and now a co-leader.
= = =
About this clan (284-Malaysia Boleh)
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This Clan is for all, and not only for Malaysians.
Features of Clan 284 :-
No tax ! Only a open-time fee of 600 gold.
Rents TGI
We even lend loans to our Clan-mates !
And we have a wonderful rank system !
Renting services (We rent Hunter and M.hunter arts, G.Hunter .
Some of the best, cheap and wonderful Smiths and enchanters !
You can even donate elements for quick points !
Rules of Clan 284 :-
Obey all the rules of LWM.
Don't Go AFK
Follow Rules of Battle Description
Donate to Clan
If U Find Our Clan Members Violate These Rules Please Inform Me -Through pm.
You Can get Ranks by Donating to Clan & Recruiting people.
If you are donating , Send the Gold to Sry [Co - Leader] or Forestfighter [ Leader ] With Title - Donation to Clan - 284.
If you are recruiting a people , Say them to write the description like this : Invite to Clan - 284 by XXX (Your Name).
How can i get the points ?
Donation - Every 100 Gold Gives you 1 Point.
Recruitment - Recruitment of One Person gives you 3 Points.
Artifact Donation - Different Artifacts Gives you Different points , depending on the AP.
Smith & Enchanter - You will get five points from the beginning.
Other - If you can provide us some special services , You will get five points too.
Ranks :-
God - 300 points+ (You will be a Herald)
Angel - 220- 299 points(You will become a Recruiter)
King - 176- 219 points(Abrasive,Toad Stool)
Minister - 136- 175 points(Witch Bloom)
Religion founder - 101- 135 points(Random MH Artifact)
Priest - 71 - 100 points(You will get a Leather Helmet)
Adherent - 46 - 70 points(You will get a Leather Boot)
Manager - 26 - 45 points(You will get a Leather Armor)
Steward - 11 - 25 points(You will get a hunter artifact)
Slave - 1 - 10 points(A good beginning)
For More Information , Check this Link :-
Briefly about How to Join ?
Click Transfer >> Write my name (sry) or ForestFighter or Bevan or MRNABIL.
Fee : 600 Gold = 500 Gold for Invite and 100 for Clan Bank/to Inviter.
Write description : "Invite to #284 / Invited by XXX (xxx=Inviter's Name)
Wait for Sry or ForestFighter to give Invite
Then : Accept Below Log Out
Log Out >> News >> MALAYSIA BOLEH (Accept/Reject) = Click " Accept".
= = =
I hope we will get more response from you,am i right ?
= = =
Best Regards,
Sry. | bump | Welcome back Sry! :) | bump
hi sry | random bump | Thank you !
Join !
By The Way, Happy Friendship Day ! | join | bumps now join | can i join u guild | hi boleh saya join [Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-08-28 16:11:20 // Local rule 7. It is forbidden to flood and "bump" threads. Warning.] | closed by Lord Kotrin (2009-08-28 17:14:29) |
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