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Authormod poll
post you favorite mod and least favorite mod
Forum - Me and Takesister

Chat - Zyanya and Amanda


Forum - Hm... passing this controversial

Chat- Same as above
since nether u or taksister or mods XD does that count u are sages O_O
favorite - none
least favorite - all

fav mod period skunder least fav ipslne
Only the brave will post here for least favorite mod :P

for sry:
Forum - Me and Takesister

You vote for yourself?!!! The height of vanity! Unbelievable.

Favorite mod.....to be named after more observation.

Least favorite mod....there is no doubt...Kotrin.

How long will this thread be allowed? Wonder what the odds are?
I am hoping to make the list of "least favorite players" by some mods :P
How long will this thread be allowed?

As long as you keep it civil, I see no reason to lock it.

And as Modi, I don't think it's appropriate to vote for oneself :D
for Kotrin:

Didn't take the bait to vote for your least favorite player? If I am not at the top of your list, I shall have to try harder :P

You know...maybe I have you all wrong. Let me invite you to New Jersey for a "Tony Soprano" welcome =)
You only need a one way ticket as I am sure once you are here...you will never want to leave :P
Favorite: MasterTI, Takesister (if sages count =S)and Shebali
Least Favorite: Any Hydra Lovin' Mod -_- lol
for diversecity: =/
least Kotrin
Favorite: diversecity
Least Favorite: Any Hydra Lovin' Mod
for diversecity:
You marryed me?
for Houl:
arent you both guys
for matt__777:
Really? o_O
Just my wife sry
fav mods:none
least fav:all
for matt__777:
Get off... I love him ^_^.
least fav:ravage_mk2
least fav:none
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