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   Forums-->Ideas and suggestions-->

AuthorNew faction
One large clan of humans dedicated their life to master the four elements (Wind, Fire, Earth, Water) to harness their power for good, but the clan became corrupted, using the powers of the elements for their own needs.
A few elementals that were not corrupted by their power tried to fight their corrupted counterparts but failed and were all killed. These evil elementals now want to take control of the world.
Is that okay? :)
Elementals can start with things like:

Wind serpent
Specia ability: spits poision

Flame spearmen
Special ability: can attack from 3 spaces away.
In the .ru server ,there are already elementals, so it might be confusing to have both.
Like a faction? or just creatures?
I think it just neutrals.
good idea, but i found this buried in the creative works forum:

Forget it then. =[
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