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Author#153 League of Shadows
We are currently seeking a few qualified candidates to join our exclusive family (I wish to keep clan at 150 members or less because larger than that = too hard to properly take care of, and nobody knows anybody).


*At least level 4, preferably level 5+

*Able to pay the 5,000 gold join fee

*Interest in being a part of the most active battle clan on this server (pending upgrade)

*Prove yourself capable of understanding how the game works by winning battles, etc

*Willing to take advice from those better than you, so that you too can become better/stronger

*Have the ambition to become a thief someday, and feared among all that play this game

If this sounds like you, then you should write me.

Clan benefits are too many to list. A few off the top of my head:

1. Clan enchantment rebates (make your gear stronger, clan will pay you too!)

2. Thief invitation option that only requires 5k gold out of your pocket to get started, and a 20% smith discount with 80% repairs!

3. Cheap artifact rentals--everyone needs something, sometime.

4. 50/50 clan opportunity drawing--better odds than roulette, and cheaper too! Maybe you win in time to get yourself a nice set of arts, or a needed castle improvement. Either way, I pay for it, and the maximum the prize can be is 30% of my worth---which would be over 100,000 gold anyway! How the drawing works can be found on our clan page, read more for info.

5. Clan tournaments in the future (need to get enough support in clan, and then get it approved by administration)

6. Clan chat room where people actually congregate

We are always improving our benefits as funding allows.

The waiting list to become a thief is short, since I manage a few Thief Invitations at all times, and am always available to offer advice on Ambushes :)

So why waste time? Read our complete clan page for more details.


HellRaiser our clan weapon enchanter offers FREE 4 x 10% enchanting to clan members (as saving of 20k on market).

Max 150 places so only 24 left.

If you want in THE richest clan on the server with some of the best and most active players around then mail me now to discuss.
@2 mrhellraiser it is :P
1. To have fun and be reasonable

2. For everyone to become a Thief (Level 6s and levels 8+ have Thief invitation priority)

3. For everyone to have nice enchanted arts

4. To control the thief routes

5. To raise enough funds to become the most powerful Battle Clan on this Server
If you like to stay in chat room come to LoS, our chat in full with players !
This clan is good indeed. At least I can judge according to people I know and spoken to - MrHellRaiser and Cipa
Congtratz to our newest hero: jimsyd !

and sorry for missing your Mr, MrHellRaiser :p Still the best enchanter and best deal around however I spell it.
Welcome to the clan jimsyd :P
welcome skunke to the clan :D
Indeed, welcome all new members! We still have a few spots and BCS left. If you wish to join a tight knit group--check us out asap xD
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-08-26 18:24:28 // Local rule 7. It is forbidden to flood and "bump" threads. Warning.]
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-08-28 19:16:55 // Local rule 7. It is forbidden to flood and "bump" threads.]
welcome everybody and have fun
We have a very active group of players who frequent our clans chat channel. As most of our members are adults chat is not restricted so may not always be suitable for young players.

Multi-lingual members (check our main page for languages fluent in: https://www.lordswm.com/clan_info.php?id=7153 ).
Welcome to our newest member: Demongodxxx
Congratulations to Jinglebell for buying her first battle clan share in #153 :)
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-08-31 17:12:35 // Clan local rule 7. No Bump. Do you really want to post each time someone makes a _donation_ ?!!]
lol. banned again!!!
poor our leader. lol
[Player banned by moderator Takesister until 2009-08-31 08:36:12 // Local rule 7. It is forbidden to flood and "bump" threads. Warning.]
I think kotrin don't like him very much .... :D
[Player banned by moderator Takesister until 2009-08-31 17:12:52 // Local rule 7. It is forbidden to flood and "bump" threads. Warning.]
For anyone wishing to discuss joining #153 - League of Shadows, I will try and be in chat: "Inquiry Room" as much as possible over the next 7 days (between 11:00 - 02:00 server time).

- Only 22 spaces remaining in the clan as we are capped at 150 members and go for quality and not quantity.

- Only 55 BCS remaining though you are not required to get any of these to be a member.

All potential members are vetted before an invite is sent and transfer & combat logs are checked so if yours are not 100% clean then dont contact me.
IMPORTANT NOTICES (Updated 08-05-09)

1. Please save your Elements! Get your Weapon, Armor or Jewels Enchanted, provide elements+item to clan enchanters, and they do the rest! (Their specials can be found at end of this page)

2. Thief Invitations--Donate one = No dues for life, and I can pay you up to 5k (depends on situation) each time I lease your invitation.

3. You can start saving gold for battle clan in our Treasury, write me letter, show transfer, and I will credit points to you on roster (See Point system below to see rewards)

4. We have a Clan Chat room, feel free to visit, and socialize with your comrades (Just click Chat, and then scroll to Channel 153 in lower right hand corner to enter).

5. Clan ranks coming soon. Clan will never be larger than 150 members unless we take a vote on an increase.

6. To get an item fixed, click Inventory, click Transfer with recall in, type name, write a 1 next to gold icon, type .01 days, 0 battles, and allow repairing. Done. Then transfer over the repair cost (click item to see what that is) and you'll get your item back in a day, with the fixes made (Clan smith specials found further below).

7. Don't purposely go afk in battles and DO NOT CHEAT(Rule breakers may be kicked from clan without warning)!!

8. If you decide to leave clan and have BCS, you will receive 70% back, other 30% will be a gift to me for my time spent on clan management. If you decide that you wish to sell back some shares to clan (IE withdraw funds) the same rule will apply.

9. Player to Player BCS sales will be permitted AFTER clan sells 250 shares.

10. New members are "On Probation" for 2 weeks after joining. Go to "Probation" section on clan page for more information.

11. Clan avatar can be downloaded at: http://public.fotki.com/MoonCatcher/los-clan/iconlos-1.html
also welcome Elven_Lord and Demongodxxx whos next is it you

*not a bump we were on top:P
[Player banned by moderator Takesister until 2009-09-02 03:42:48 // Local rule 7. It is forbidden to FLOOD and "bump" threads. Warning.]
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