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AuthorName kotrin's ban-hammer
Ok, everyone knows that kotrin has the worlds biggest ban-hammer. You can never be out of range of it...ever.

But as all great weapons it must be named.

I propose "the blood thirster" or "the eager one"

Create your own!
"Kotrin's ban hammer" I like it ^^
Smash of banned blooodddd!
"the hammer which kotrin uses to ban unbanned flooders in the forum which are flooding like a maniac and their master was Head-shot whose power was overwhelming than this powerful hammer but then again the hammer and head-shot's powers draws like an ambush when a knight escorts his troop and then kills the other opponent's troop making the knight have no exp nor fsp for the thief ambush he did"
You can never be out of range of it...ever.

Let this comment plague your nightmares forever!
banmer o_O
hamban? o__0
kotranmmer? o____O
kotran's ham o____0

(this one doesn't even make sense)
hammer-banner! O____O
kotr's in-bam? o______O
(worse than kotran's ham ^^)
Kortin the Banner o_________________O
Bacon & ham
Malleus floodeficorum
Avada Ban-davra !
Bacon & ham

Yes, that sounds very heroic when re-counted to friends.

"I was ban-hammered by...BACON & HAM"

Lol, nice one hidden shadow.

"How about thread-locker"?
fear the mighty bacon and ham ban hammer fear it
baconater and hammer
I hope kotrin looks @ this thread.
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