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AuthorWhat would you pay to rent a TGI of 14 days?
give a bid? We start at 10.000 :)

The fee pr day after day 14 is 2000 gold.

The one with the highest bid on sunday at 18:00 get the TGI :)

The one who wins should have a full arts set before starting and at least level 6.

I have the right to disqualify a candidate if I, for some reason, shouldn't find him/her as a good applicant.

Write your bid here.

hmm.. nobody want to rent the TGI... This could probably be the best offer in Lordswm :)
well mate i would but i don't go tthe money
Still none who wants to rent a cheap tgi?
first bid... :)
If you want you can bid in arts, ressources and elements to :)
10000 that for 2 weeks ?

Seems like alexben gets it for 10.000, but you can still put in at bet if you want to give more...
11500 k ? you will have to wait until i reach level 6 though ...
i have a full enchanted set for thiefing though ....

The one who wins should have a full arts set before starting and at least level 6.

U are Lvl 4 ....
I want it for 12.5k but only if u r giving it right now.
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