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Author | Reduce Hunt Turn Timer |
I was thinking that a reduction in the hunt turn timer would be a welcome improvement I'm tired of getting assistance from some one who is AFK and having to wait 10min for them to leave so I think 60seconds is much more reasonable. | i dont really like this idea
for people who has a weaker internet connection or for those who might accidentally disconnected from the internet, having less hunt turn time means a greater ability to skip their move, which might not just cause them to run away from battle sooner than they regain connection, it will also cause them to lose their turns which they should have, making them suffer from a greater risk to lose.
While ppl are concerning for afkers, they should also think that not all people didnt made a move because they dont want to, sometimes they might just unable to make their move. I, who also have a weak internet connection, share sympathy to those similar to my situation, and therefore, believe some afks are forgivable and totally understandable | Then maybe there should something like at duels. If you ask for assist, you would be able to set turn timer. So if someone has a weaker connection, he would not join fights with a turn timer of 20 seconds, for example.. :) | You are better to get a friend or clan mate to join the hunt with you. Arrange in chat before starting battle.
It is a lot less likely for a regular partner to leave you to fight on your own. |
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