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Author*Let's Reduce Global Warming*

So sad these hucksters actually have so many people believing this lie. Yeah, we also are causing Mars, Pluto and various other planets and moons to heat up at the same time. Riiiiiight! You know it's a scam when they won't debate other scientists,won't publish any other studies showing we are not responsible, immediately accuse any scientist of being paid off by the oil companies if they disagree, fudged numbers to fit their agenda and were caught, and also were caught trying to ruin reputations of other scientists who have a different point of view by calling them "flat earthers." Typical liberal, socialist, drone actions at work.
Call it a hoax, call it global warming, global freezing, whatever:

Mother Earth doesn't care for theories or names.

Fact is: The world's environment is suffering badly by our presence, animal races are rotten out every day, rain forests dissapear, oceans get poisoned and lifeless. I could carry on with countless examples. You don't need to be a scientist or even know one theory to see what's going on. Every child can see it.

It makes me feel sad, that self called experts argue about the name or the theory. All the energy that is put into such disputes could be spent into more constructive efforts.

We have to change, the sooner the better. Everyone who says the opposite is nothing but ignorant. Everyone who laughs about that, will choke on it some day.

It can't be cited often enough:

"Only when the last tree has been cut down;
Only when the last river has been poisoned;
Only when the last fish has been caught;
Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten."

American Indian proverb
[Post deleted by moderator Skunder // cursing with abbreviations, again. insulting other...being generally ignorant and annoying through d]
are you living in pony world?

Obviously not or did I say "Hey, there's no global warning, all is ok, throw your garbage in the river"?

go to he double toothpicks (h***)

If this is a try to insult me, have another, maybe I do care then.
Obviously not or did I say "Hey, there's no global warning, all is ok, throw your garbage in the river"

you really need to go to hell

there is no global warming, no dont throw trash in rivers (pollution, not warming)
just live, no fear, There is NO global warming

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you really need to go to hell

Really an argument. The fact is that average temperature is raising. Only question is if human presence could cause it, or it is normal development between glacial and interglacial periods of planet.

If only these arguments werent presented by smelly hippie looking weirdos, they could have more scientific public value.

Ehm, from my point of view(not to be offering some 3rd hand info from a bearded lunatic): The hoax has affected occurence of tropical reptiles, parasites and illnesses. Europe seems slightly more ridden with these. There are only two reasons possible that are combined. Raise in average temperature and more travel in south-north direction.

The fact is that nowadays, scientific proofs are only half of the theory. Proper publicity is the other half. There is no chance for average human to understand all scientific facts. There are parts of this theory that fit the scenario that I can understand. Example: More CO2 in atmosphere = more energy from sun absorbed.

Pretty good hoax, when there are quotes for CO2 for countries. Stupid leaders. :-)
Mmmhh, keep it civil guys and girls.
Not global warming. Global climate change...

Chance12, just so you don't misunderstand, global climate changes WOULD cause record lows in Texas... On the east coast there was a huge blizzard. And the winter before- barely any snow.

Sorry Kotrin, but I have to say it is my opinion that Chance12, you're from America one of the leaders in CO2 emmissions... and on top of that, you're from texas, probably republican :)
there is no global warming, no dont throw trash in rivers (pollution, not warming)
just live, no fear, There is NO global warming

Did you actually read what I've wrote?

No global warming, no problem? Your pony world is more fluffy then mine.

A planet where only rats and cockroaches can survive is a living planet too, but I doubt anyone of us wants to live on it.

Did I miss some irony between your lines, Chance12?

Guys, you should understand, that it isn't important, if there is a global warming or not (do I speak chinese or what is so difficult to understand about that?). We have serious problems which actually should be solved. This discussion about scientific theories is useless and serves only some egos. Maybe 2% of people on Earth have done some researches, the other 98% don't really know what they talk about. So don't try to appear eloquent while repeating something you watched in TV or read in some newspapers. It's like kindergarten childen discussing about the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre. You're feeling insulted now? Maybe it's just time to come down to earth.

Have a look at trees that grow beside a highway and compare it with trees that grow in a deep wood. Which ones look healthier?

As I said: Every child can see it, you really don't need to use science most people of you haven't studied enough to understand it.

Mmmhh, keep it civil guys and girls.

Civil enough? Sorry if I've failed.
Cutting through the ack and forth of abuse.

Heating of a planet through absorption of an incresaed spectrum of light is a scientific fact. Simply look up the temperature of venus and see that it has a higher surface temperature than mercury even though mercury is closer to the sun. This is due to its atmosphere.

Secondly, Carbon dioxide, water vapour and methane certain CFC/s and a number of other trace gases absorb EM radiation at the frequencies that would normally be emitted into space and allow the Earth to cool. An increase in any of these gases will therefore cause less energy to be lost globally, and hence an increase in the average temperature. There are a number of factors that complicate this, both in feed forward loops, and feed back loops. The relative level of significance of this is hard to gauge.

However, this is an area that will still be debated so to switch to a pragmatic footing.

The main advice to combat global warming is to lower energy usage as this will lower fossil fuel consuption, and hence net Carbon dioxide release globally.

Now if we ignore global warming as a reason under the assumed premise that we cannot prove it(one I don't believe but is no significance to this arguement).

There is a finite mass of fossil fuels on the Earth that we use as the major source of energy for electricity, fuel for tranport, chemical feedstocks for most drugs and plastics and most other things. However long this will last, which can again be debated, it will run out.

Now since almost everyones economy and well being is fundamentally affected by availability of electricity, fuel to move things and plastics etc, making this last as long as possible is prudent.

Therefore, whether you believe in global warming or not, the action proposed by those people that do is still sound and reasonable advise.

If anyone who does have a problem with any of the evidence put forward by those supprters of global warming and believe it a hoax, please ask a specific question about the areas that seem in contradiction and I will try and explain why that is the case.
This discussion about scientific theories is useless and serves only some egos. Maybe 2% of people on Earth have done some researches, the other 98% don't really know what they talk about.

And in which category do you think you are?

Seems that time has come to lock this thread.
closed by Lord Kotrin (2010-01-17 00:38:15)
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