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Authorshooting range
what is it?
check this:

But since you are an elf, you just ignore the aimed shot ability, it's only for knights.
If enemies are in your range, they take 100% damage but if not, they only take half the damage.
The range of the picture shown above is 6.

Shooting Range can be increased by equipping certain artifacts.
Shooting Range can be increased by equipping certain artifacts.

MH bow, Range +1
Shooting Range can be increased by equipping certain artifacts.

MH bow, Range +1

GH Bow, Range + 2
for EROCS:

After seeing the picture, some of the squares like 2nd row 6th column, 2nd row 12th column and likewise in all the 4 directions, appear to be out of range but they are shown in the range of 6 squares... why?

After seeing the picture, some of the squares like 2nd row 6th column, 2nd row 12th column and likewise in all the 4 directions, appear to be out of range but they are shown in the range of 6 squares... why?

you are thinking as if range behave like movement, where a diagonal step "cost" 1.5 speed whereas orrizontal and vertical "cost" 1.
This simply isn't true as seen by the graphic, i can confirm the range is as stated, if i shoot something that is 5tiles away orrizontaly and 3 tiles away vertically it is within max damage range.

I speculate that the diagonal "shoot" "cost" 1.33 range.

that could be cross checked if someone provide the 7range and the 8range
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