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AuthorThief invitation-(no gold), GH set and MH set chamber (RENT)
Thief invitation: Terms and Conditions (No gold is required)
- Return me the first thief artifact you received in TG1.
- Return me the second thief artifact you received in TG2.
- Return me the thief invitation in TG2.
- Thief invitation must be returned in a month time. Get Blocked if don't.
- You must be active in this game.
Master hunter set: 2000 gold per battle
Set bonus =
+30% damage to neutral creatures,
+5% initiative.
+1 to minimum and maximum damage of all lord's stacks.

Great hunter set: 3750 gold per battle
Set bonus =
+40% damage to neutral creatures,
+5% initiative,
+1 to minimum and maximum damage of all lord's stacks.
Hi ,i want to rent tgi on your terms.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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