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TGI rent

AuthorTGI rent
I rent TGI:
- If you reach TGlv.2 within 15 days, you will return to me TGI and one thief artifact (you can choose which one)
- For each extra day after 15 you will pay to me 2000 gold
- you have to reach TGI lvl 2 within 1 month. If you dont return TGI within 1 month you will have to pay penalty 400.000 gold,
TGI is now FREE!
TGI is available
09-23-09 08:43: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to sadas . Transaction price: 1 Gold
09-23-09 08:40: Received 1 Gold from sadas : I acept the contract
09-23-09 08:37: Received 1 Gold from sadas : I acept the contract
09-23-09 08:35: Transferred 1 Gold to sadas : I will not sell or rent this TGI and the thief arts until the end of the contract.
09-23-09 08:35: Transferred 1 Gold to sadas : or if I don't pay the compensation, I agree my character to be BLOCKED!
09-23-09 08:35: Transferred 1 Gold to sadas : If I don't return the TGI within 1 month, I must pay 400,000 compensation and keep the TGI.
09-23-09 08:34: Transferred 1 Gold to sadas : After the 15 day I will pay 2000 gold per day.
09-23-09 08:34: Transferred 1 Gold to sadas : I will send one thieve art (my choose) immediately after I reach TG2.
09-23-09 08:34: Transferred 1 Gold to sadas : I, player sadas, take this TGI on leasing from SladurAna for no more than 1 month.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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