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TGI for - conditions.

AuthorTGI for - conditions.
I rent out my TGI to grumsh on following terms:

Option no. 5 - (no more then 1 month)

- You have to return TGI as soon as you reach TG level 2
- You pay me 2700 for each day (5 days prepaid and minimal price for renting TGI)

You any case ARE NOT ALLOWED to:
- trade TGI

- give me back TGI after 4th week, otherwise You break rule 3.14, which means that You must pay me 500.000 gold to keep the TGI or Your account gets blocked.
- follow the rules of the agreement

If You brake any of rule of the agreement or You don't give me back TGI after 4th week, You break rule 3.14 which means You must pay me 500.000 gold or Your account gets blocked.
closed by Lord RaYn (2009-10-02 00:15:22)
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