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Author[RENT] TGI
I rent TGI
Conditions for players lvl 8 and above with one full art set:

Terms for rent up to 4 weeks

- after reaching lvl 2 you will return to me TGI and bouth thief artifact gained from Theft Guild one I send back. (for any unused day I pay back 500 gp)
- after 2 weeks (choose an option) 2500gp/day or second theft artifact (the coise has to be right after 2 weeks passed)
- after 4 weeks i take bouth theft artifacts gained from Theft Guild
- for extra days after 4 weeks you pay 1500 gp/day
- you have to reach TGI lvl 2 within 2 month. If you dont return TGI within 2 month you will have to pay penalty 400.000 gold
ok i agree with mr eee
i will rent it till 1 month and i will give the art to mr eee
10-16-09 08:04: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to parichay12 . Transaction price: 1 Gold

Rented to parichay12
closed by Lord Mr_eee (2009-10-16 12:05:17)
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