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Author"Ruby's Battlechatter"..........
My son had a thieving thing happening and asked me to help try to trigger the ambushes.

so i was wandering between the various locations...no arts so they wouldn't get wasted, and using minimal army so if i got ambushed i would die real fast - get in and out real quick, you know what i mean?

running around like a mad woman for several hours and eventually decided to have a break, give the crew a bit of a rest, a bit of refreshment.

some hours later i was asked by a friend to do a gb

'yeah, love to....just try and stop me'. So i quickly ran and threw my very best outfit on, you know the one - lots of bright shiny metal, necklaces, rings the whole darn kit and kaboodle.

now, at this point i should say that i was also chatting with my brother who was having a bit of a melt-down and so i was a tad....um....distracted...

anyway, i rush off and get ruby dressed, join up to the gb and wait to hear the ping of the battle start.

hear the ping of the new battle starting...rush over to settle the troops...looking at the screen....hmm.........where are the troops...

all i can see is a very small bunch of extremely forlorn-looking chubby little cowpokes.......what......the......hell.......

i obviously forgot to recruit after helping my son........one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.....

:[AvalonDemon]: hi.... hey ur the mother of humpy..... i think

:[Rubyannah]: omg

:[AvalonDemon]: u just have recruits?

:[Rubyannah]: i think i forgot something

:[AvalonDemon]: she just have recruits
:[AvalonDemon]: or farmers
:[AvalonDemon]: hahahaha
:[AvalonDemon]: nice recuits

:[Rubyannah]: oops

:[death_is_near]: its ok rubyannah just hit bowmen

:[AvalonDemon]: thats why i joined

:[Rubyannah]: i'm really, really sorry death
:[death_is_near]: np
:[death_is_near]: ur my friend

:[death_is_near]: rubyannah hit bowmen

:[Rubyannah]: btw, yes i am humpy's mother

:[AvalonDemon]: u watched our fite
:[AvalonDemon]: yesterday
:[AvalonDemon]: and erebis and whats his name agian? moony or something

:[Rubyannah]: yes, that was very funny
:[Rubyannah]: and now this

:[AvalonDemon]: haha

:[Rubyannah]: you must think i am an idiot

:[AvalonDemon]: omg, nope, it happens

:[Rubyannah]: does it - do people forget to bring their army

:[AvalonDemon]: i just had rogues
:[AvalonDemon]: at least u have an good hero

:[Rubyannah]: heros are nothing without an army

:*[Moonhunter]: impossible
:*[Moonhunter]: good luck LOL
:*[Moonhunter]: AARGH! that death_is_near
:*[Moonhunter]: SOMEONE spike death

:[Rubyannah]: why

:*[Moonhunter]: death_is_near is my mortal enemy

:*[Moonhunter]: ruby..why did u recruit only recruits?
:[Rubyannah]: was an accident
:[Rubyannah]: you need to make friends of your enemies
:*[Moonhunter]: ekkek die death

:*[Moonhunter]: no never
:*[Moonhunter]: i shall nvr be friends with death
:*[Moonhunter]: after what he did

:*[Moonhunter]: he spammed the whole chat with such horrible things
:*[Moonhunter]: then he is sidsinga
:*[Moonhunter]: who teasted me so much
:*[Moonhunter]: he is an illegal player
:*[Moonhunter]: he has illegal transfers
:[AvalonDemon]: lol
:[AvalonDemon]: hmmm
:[AvalonDemon]: very hard words
:[AvalonDemon]: if i were death i would cry lol
:[Rubyannah]: well this has been real fun
:*[Moonhunter]: lol
:[death_is_near]: it was but i must say ur awsome
:*[Moonhunter]: hmm
:[death_is_near]: ur awsome rubyannah
[Rubyannah]: we should do it again
[Post deleted by moderator Zyanya // Oops]
It's just a story - that first part
There was no running around with no arts and troops, that was just a 'cover up' story as a reason to actually bring recruits only, it didn't really happen at all :D
It's just a story - that first part

Sorry :) I just assumed it was based off on a real incident due to the battle chat quoting...
for Zyanya:
it is actually based on a real battle :P

for Rubyannah:
Chat story o.O
ooo..getting mentioned the first time...makes my face blank
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