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will we ever do this or not

probably not. too easy for uneven matches,which would mean easy gold.
+1.. but will this isea will be existed? since the admin lazy..
probably not. too easy for uneven matches,which would mean easy gold.

im sure they can work out who the favourites are like betting on rugby teams, its not double or nothing
since the admin lazy..

how so?


+halloween event
@expert. 1 shrew vs 4 fairies the fairies may win. Remember. AI is Stoopid. Shrew will win initiative. If there is any obstacle, the shrews can't make it to fairies so they will move forward 8. Fairies will then take them out.
nice idea
^^ or make it AI team fighting
>>> Wizard invaders vs Knight army ;)
Hmm make this : Like Thieves Guild every time we win, the diff raises .. and every time we loose, the diff decreased .. :)
just a question... did you think that is possible what wo write here ? it will be funny i think
i like my idea come and vote more :)
when im waiting for emrcerneries and done enrollment i get quite borerd
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