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AuthorNew Guild - Itemcrafter

This new guild would allow players to create artifacts on their own.

Items would cost resources, ( I mean the 6 basic, and steel, leather, nickel also ) and elements. (maybe new types of elements, what could be earned in a new guild: PvP guild as a reward for winning PvP battles.. )

The attributes of the item being crafted would be based on the guild level of the crafter. You could set the durability, and the parameters of the item like you can recruit troops. I mean, eg: if you add +1 attack to a sword,
it would reduce max. possible of durability, and other bonuses you could add to the item.

Advancing in the guild would cost very much, however, on higher levels, crafters could make profit by selling their items in the market.

This idea needs a lot of balancing, but I think, it would be funny. Also, it might would increasethe number of resources bought from mines, and the diversity of items

What do you say?
+1, but only lower level arts?
+ 1
no need
Really good idea. When you advance in levels in this guild, you could make higher level items which would cost much more... But you should only be able to create items which are already in the game though.
Well, I thought, that we were able to create items, with parameters we would like. So not the existing ones. Also, why would we pay a lot, to level up slowly, and then to make a same item, that you can buy from the shop.

Here's some kind of exp. table:

level - avaliable parameters - max. points to distribute

0 - attack (weapons) defense (armor) - 2
1 - attack (weapons) defense (armor) - 3
2 - attack (weapons) defense (armor) initiative (armor) - 4
3 - attack (weapons) defense (armor) initiative (armor) - 5
4 - attack (weapons) defense (armor) initiative (armor) morale (jewels) luck (jewels) spell power (jewels) knowledge (jewels) - 6
5 - attack (weapons, jewels) defense (armor, weapon) initiative (armor, weapon) morale (jewels) luck (jewels) spell power (jewels) knowledge (jewels) - 7

... and so on like this.

By points, I mean: each parameter has its own cost:

Attack +1 (1)
Defense +1 (1)
Initiative +1% (0,8)
Spell power +1 (1,2)
Knowledge +1 (1,2)
Durability +10 (1)

Or something like this. :)
Ohh, forgot to add:

Morale +1 (2,5)
Luck +1 (2,5)

but it will be very hard to program (atleast from my view of thinking).
It looks like it would be hard to program,maby not. Could be just like mini arts. Each attribute would equale a certain resource, more if you wanted that attribute higher, and multiply the resource cost by the durability.

You could just copy the mini arts programing and make i into a guild :P
if we could copy the mini-art concept then what would be the "unique" racial ability of wizards do use your mind on the balance of factions before suggesting

Only the mechanism would look like the mini arts'. But if you look at this way, all smithing looks like mini arts... The higher skill you have, the more you can repair/enchant for the more cost. :)

Wizards still would have their mini arts, and other factions still wouldn't. Also they could wear their own items crafted by themselves, and those would give other bonuses.
+1 i'd also say we introduce (finally!) the 2-handed weapon and give an opportunity to craft more basic items, like why i need a sword of +5atk and +3 iniative if i would prefer +6 attack for the same cost instead?
It would require a huge amount of balancing, but just the same as the craft, it will give some new rare artefacts to use which will be even more tuned to your combat style
What will be the use of production facilities if people replace them?
Creating artifacts ideas are stupid.
Then normal artifacts would be worth nothing.
Better administration add new special arts.
+1 to idea

I think the price for creating weapon should be similar to the price in Artifact shop, but only durability should depend on Itemcrafter guild level.

And in highest Itemcrafter level you should be able to make artifacts with 10% more durability than usual weapons.

0 level: 10%
0 level: 10%
0 level: 10%
0 level: 10%
0 level: 10%
0 level: 10%
0 level: 10%
sorry, somehow I posted it sooner.

I meant this:

0 level: 20% of usual durability
1 level: 30% of usual durability
2 level: 40% of usual durability
3 level: 50% of usual durability
4 level: 60% of usual durability
5 level: 70% of usual durability
6 level: 80% of usual durability
7 level: 90% of usual durability
8 level: 100% of usual durability
9 level: 110% of usual durability
+1 to the idea (not only shop item).

Probably need not linear "cost" for durability (since it would impact on enchantment efficiency!)

For balancing purpose item just like artifact shop should be possible like this:
item with minimum lvl 1 from lvl 0
item with minimum lvl 2 from lvl 1
item with minimum lvl 3 from lvl 2
item with minimum lvl 4 from lvl 3
item with minimum lvl 5 from lvl 4
item with minimum lvl 6 from lvl 5
item with minimum lvl 7 from lvl 6
item with minimum lvl 8 from lvl 7
item with minimum lvl 10 from lvl 8
item with minimum lvl 12 from lvl 9
Actually, i have an idea ( it's a little bit different ).
Everyone can make items :
Itemcrafter lvl 1 : Lvl 1 items
Itemcrafter lvl 2 : Lvl 2 items
Itemcrafter lvl 3 : Lvl 3 items
........... ... . : ... . .....
And so on.. ... . : ... . .....
Itemcrafter lvl 13 : Able to create arts in your own ( that doesn't exist in this game )

Then we have to decide how much items should be made for each level.
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