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AuthorDE magic pierce on Barb
DE has magic pierce that will penetrate the magic proof. I was told it also works on barb faction skill "magic proof". However in my recent group battle I found this:
My empowered fireball is supposed to deal 258 dam, however when I cast it on a barb who has barb fsp lvl4 and DE fsp lvl 8, he receives 161 dam, and when I case it on a barb who has barb fsp lvl 5 and DE fsp lvl 8 he receives 154 dam (something like that, lower than 160).

Therefore it seems to me that DE magice pierce cannot penetrate the barb magic proof partly, but not completely. Any one knows how it works? Anyone who provides me with the math equations will be greatly appreciated, thanks
Magic proof
It is known that Barbarians spend their lives in constant contact with natural elements. They respect nature a lot, and get bound to the surrounding, earning grace of their Gods, who grant them steadiness to magic spells. Thanks to the "Magic proof" ability, every stack of Barbarian troops led by a lord has a resistance rate to any hostile magic.

Resistance rate: 5%+7%*[Barbarian skill level].

Magic proof
It is known that Barbarians spend their lives in constant contact with natural elements. They respect nature a lot, and get bound to the surrounding, earning grace of their Gods, who grant them steadiness to magic spells. Thanks to the "Magic proof" ability, every stack of Barbarian troops led by a lord has a resistance rate to any hostile magic.

Resistance rate: 5%+7%*[Barbarian skill level].

Sure I know that, but if you do a math, the number does not match at all
Resistance rate: 5%+7%*[Barbarian skill level]

Rate of piercing through magic resistances and immunity: 5%+7%*[Dark elf skill level].

so you have 48% magic piercing as of this moment.

barb with faction level 5 has 40% resistance, so you pierce 48% of this 40%, dealing 1-(0.4*0.48)=0.808 damage, 80.8%

so 258*0.808 = 208.464 damage

but then he has faction 8 dark elf too, which is 24% less damage which can't be penetrated, so 208.464*0.76 = 158.43264, which rounds to 158
5%+7%*[Dark elf skill level]
in your case, 5%+7%*6 = 47%

Barbarian Magic proof:
5%+7%*[Barbarian skill level]

Faction resistance:
3%*[Faction skill level]

Your max dmg:
~250 (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=483959153&lt=-1 Your hero casting for the first time, doing 203 damage. 203/0,4 (reversing the 40% faction resistance) results in a maximum of 254 damage
on another calculated i came to the result of 252, you wrote that you do a max of 258 damage - i don't know which one i should believe now ;) i will continue calculating with 250 and round everything)

So here is the formula for the first barbarian:
however when I cast it on a barb who has barb fsp lvl4 and DE fsp lvl 8, he receives 161 dam
3%*8=24% DE resistance; 76% damage remaining
5%+7%*4=33% Barb magic resistance; 67% damage remaining
47%*33%=~15% ( Barb resistance considering 47% piercing through; ~85% remaining)

Your Damage - DE resistance = 250*76%=190
damage remaining after pierced barb resistance = 190*85% = 161 damage

and for the second barbarian:
and when I case it on a barb who has barb fsp lvl 5 and DE fsp lvl 8 he receives 154 dam

3%*8=24% DE resistance; 76% damage remaining
5%+7%*5=38% Barb magic resistance; 62% damage remaining
47%*38%=~17% ( Barb resistance considering 47% piercing through; ~83% remaining)

Your Damage - DE resistance = 250*76%=190
damage remaining after pierced barb resistance = 190*83% = 157 damage

so you see - there is absolutely something wrong with the rounding and the correct max damage, but i think you might get an idea what i was spending the last 2 hours on

so to answer your question the short way: yes, the barb magic proof is completely vulnerable to DE magic pierce
why is your damage only decresing by 0.043% (equals 1-(154/161)) although another barb faction skill level is added? Because the magic proof is also affected by the DE faction level (and therefore 24% less damage). But since i don't know the exact rounding and numbers i can't calculate it out :/
to #5 and #4

Thanks, you guys did answered my question, not its clear =)

still kinda think its unfair, then
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