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AuthorSuspected intentional AFK
Complaints on intentional loses, staged or paid-for combats:

XeNTe - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?nick=XeNTe

Link to battles.
10-28-09 23:08[Full] [Chat]: • XeNTe[12] vs lcorndogl[12]

https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=484060685&lt=-110-29-09 23:48[Full] [Chat]: • XeNTe[12] vs lcorndogl[12]

I'd firstly like to point out, from his combat log:

The only two combats there he has afked are against me, he didn't even bother setting up from start to finish, and as it's been the only two battles he's ambushed me in, I doubt it's just an unfortunate coincidence.

Also another thing to support my claim would be these messages he sent me, which I will post from oldest to newest, and filter out any nasty words:

# Date: 2009-10-20 23:36:45
# From: XeNTe
# To: lcorndogl
# Subject:

im so tired to find you in ambush...... why do you do that? omg....

# Reply
# Back

# Date: 2009-10-21 17:18:19
# From: XeNTe
# To: lcorndogl
# Subject:

i think that its not normal....you are all the time *swear* me, *swear*!!!!!!!!!!

# Reply
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# Date: 2009-10-21 20:59:31
# From: XeNTe
# To: lcorndogl
# Subject:

i hate you, all the time making me wasting time!!!!!!!!

# Reply
# Back

Note those mails were after he ambushed me previously, and since the latest of his messages seems to be when he just started going afk after ambushing me, the first time I felt he did it intentionally, but was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but the ONLY TWO times he's been afk are BOTH against me, there's no way I'm going to believe that it isn't intentional.

I feel this is bad sportsmanship and also breaks the rule of losing for any reason other than technical difficulties affecting access to the game
Sorry links are broken in first post, first one is this:

10-28-09 23:08[Full] [Chat]: • XeNTe[12] vs lcorndogl[12]

Second one is this:

10-29-09 23:48[Full] [Chat]: • XeNTe[12] vs lcorndogl[12]

Character went offline at 23:50, 10-29-09

So he was here for 2 minutes after the combat, and then he signed off after the combat has finished, NOT while it was still going on, so he was here while the combat was going on, and he still made no attempt to move
closed by Lord Kotrin (2009-10-30 13:53:21)
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