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Authorhelp fast someone is trying to hack my acconct
someone is trying to hack my acconct what do i i cant changne pass because they changned enail so they can get it
oh man,ur prob is same with me..

i offline 1 hour..

and then i look at my combat log..

wow..a lot of combat that i do today..

but i not do all the combat..

plz help us..

i think the people is Othman..

because i register this game using his email..

srry about that..


this is wrong forum!!!
change your e-mail then change your password.
character page -> personal settings(right of page) -> password and e-mail(top of page)
if email is changed, wait for 3 days to change ur pasword.
cant can email for 3 days after password change and i changed pass before i knew he chaned email

help me..now he hack my acc again
for silent_killerp:
u hav an enemy??
to late me hacked
im silent_killerp
no no enemy
for all:

if my acc do illegal..

thats not me..i dun like doing illegal
ohhhh no whats going on
now i get everything
i am real silent_killerp if thefallens is real silent_killerp then he can have his password by recovery of his passsword from his e mail id which he had register during registration
fallens is a real cheater
ok wher are u fallen now give answer
for silent_killerp:

ur words not write here..

but at ur PM(Private Mail)
closed by silent_killerp (2009-10-30 19:38:29)
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