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Author[Sell] Awesome Enchanted Top Jewel & Armor
I have the following enchanted Top Jewel & Armor for sale:
pm me your offer plz.

Top Jewel:

Locket of crystallized tears [A6F6] [29/49]
Penumbral ring [A5F5] [31/49]

Top Armor:

Steel helmet [E7A7F7] [70/70]
Platemail [E7A7F7] [54/75]
Tower shield [E7F7] [70/70]
Steel boots [E7A7F7] [14/70]

Steel helmet [E7] [70/70]
Steel cuirass [E7] [70/70]

Light mithril coif [A5F5] [25/51]
Platemail [A5W5] [29/46]
Light mithril boots [A5F5] [12/32]

Thief armor [E4F2] [22/55]
Thief boots [E4F4] [33/55]

Great hunter helmet [E4F3] [5/8]
Great hunter armor [E4F3] [3/8]
Great hunter boots [E4F3] [5/6]

pm your offer. thx! :D
Steel helmet [E7A7F7] [70/70] is gone
'Tower shield [E7F7]' [70/70] is gone
updated list:

Top Jewel:

Locket of crystallized tears [A6F6] [29/49]
Penumbral ring [A5F5] [31/49]

Top Armor:

Platemail [E7A7F7] [54/75]
Steel boots [E7A7F7] [14/70]

Steel helmet [E7] [70/70]
Steel cuirass [E7] [70/70]

Light mithril coif [A5F5] [25/51]
Platemail [A5W5] [29/46]
Light mithril boots [A5F5] [12/32]

Thief armor [E4F2] [22/55]
Thief boots [E4F4] [33/55]

Great hunter helmet [E4F3] [5/8]
Great hunter armor [E4F3] [3/8]
Great hunter boots [E4F3] [5/6]
updated list:

Top Jewel:

Locket of crystallized tears [A6F6] [29/49]
Penumbral ring [A5F5] [31/49]

Top Armor:

Platemail [A5W5] [29/46]
Light mithril boots [A5F5] [12/32]

Thief armor [E4F2] [22/55]
Thief boots [E4F4] [33/55]

Great hunter helmet [E4F3] [5/8]
Great hunter armor [E4F3] [3/8]
Great hunter boots [E4F3] [5/6]
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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