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Authoris this fair?
Yes, It is my own fault that I was not paying enough attention to when the technical downtimes will be. Even though this fight was disconnected several times (6 times…I think) I manage to kill off the rest of the enemies when the player I was assisting had gone AFK. Even though I did most of the work, he still gets the gold, is this fair?
(btw: no offense to that player, i am just wandering)
links are here
It was his hunt afterall, and he's not required to share any of his reward with anyone else, just think of it this way, just because he afked due to technical difficulties taking away the gold and giving it to someone else instead (in this case you) would be unfair on him
that is a risk any hunter assistant takes it when he/she joins in a hunt (with or without server errors). the reward is in experience here.
hmm, good point,
thanks, you guys
i think its unfair, ive had this happen as well, if he afks i dont think the person who went afk should get anything
Take into account, in this case the only reason he afked was because the server was down
Totally fair. He just got annoyed by the error n went Afk.
Lol, in my mind, it's like this: "Hey, I just saw a heck of a lot of bandits, wanna help me kill them?"

Evic: "Sure I'll help you, I'm just that awesome."

Halfway through the battle, AFK boy jacks all the gold and runs away, but Evic, trying to get the gold which he doesn't notice AFK boy has jacked, is forced to kill the bandits.

.... Evic= :(
well, not that i want to be annoying, but, if you do take part in a hunt and the hunter goes AFK for some reason, you have the option to finish the hunt yourself or let the foes kill you.. so he won't get gold.

It's a bit of evil saying, but if it can give you peace of mind..

3.16. Staged combats leading one of the parties to losing a priori will be punished for. A staged combat by definition is one where any one of the parties or party members intentionally loses to the other for any reason different from having technical problems with access to the game. Instigation to losing a combat is also forbidden.

and also losing it on purpose because the other person afked out for whatever reason would be poor sportsmanship
hmm, many more great points, however, even though i did not get any gold for it, i still got 200(then usual) of EXP, so i guess it's fine that way
closed by EROCS (2009-11-12 04:53:07)
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