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AuthorEaster Eggs...Discovered!
more space within the statistics? I mean



like that, new? or lame? :p
hobs wielding sword instead of mace. i've seen someone post an image
I guess it's photoshop
Brigands that start with already some dead creatures ??

111 2009-11-17 08:06:34
bug, fixed by now.

Not really ... I just met another dead cave guy.
I guess it's photoshop
nope, i've seen my hobs wielding an AXE just now
Zombies-without head
Shrews-different colored hair
Hobs-different weapons

Good stuff? Their are certainly more :)
Elves? Wizards? Knights? Demon creatures? I'm gonna pay more attention to my units :D
I've found one of the best eggs of them all and possibly one of the funniest too. Have a look at this battle and pay special attention to the 2 recruits i have at the front that don't die until right at the very end. (I'm the knight in the top right corner dark blue).


I've also screen shot it and uploaded (courtisy of photobucket) it for those of you who didnt notice.


Name sez it all.
sorry for the double post but the egg doesnt show up in the re-play so plz copy and paste the URL below the battle link into your brorswe bar please.
Total list so far:
-Extra time in merc quest (a lot more time)
-No timer for all solo combats
-If you hold shift with rogue a special symbol appears
-New gifts
-Fancy buttons for buying at facilities
-New button for buying at market. (click "buy", then type amount)
-New Heroe attacks and movement
-New health-indicator (the number in the heart)
-New options in personal settings
-Warning message from admins when sending a pm
-New placement of "return to game" button in replays
-Shows effects of buff/de-buff spells on creatures in battle with ctrl+click
-No longer says the negative effect of AFK but the effect is still there
-Gated creatures look different than normal troops
-Clan level requirement raised to level 5 (because of military clans)
-New MG success messages
-Shrews change their hair color on morale
-Zombies loose their heads :)
-Hobs wield different weapons
-Recruits with socks?

The fun ones are on the bottum :)
lvl9 faction skill doesn't give +1 luck anymore :(
for erqzor:
That is not an Easter egg.

Please refrain from listing updates. This thread is only for Easter eggs.
Dont know if someone noticed yet. Not only have shrews unicolour hairs like blue, green, yellow,... but also this punk look:) http://i47.tinypic.com/i6h2u0.jpg
better version of rocks/chunks in battlefield?
I know this is included in new hero attacks but when elves use rain of arrows the arrows literally rain on favoured stacks
I don't know if it is just me, but the sole creature in monster MG quests seems to be a lot bigger in size.
Total list so far:
-Extra time in merc quest (a lot more time)
-No timer for all solo combats
-If you hold shift with rogue a special symbol appears
-New gifts
-Fancy buttons for buying at facilities
-New button for buying at market. (click "buy", then type amount)
-New Heroe attacks and movement
-New health-indicator (the number in the heart)
-New options in personal settings
-Warning message from admins when sending a pm
-New placement of "return to game" button in replays
-Shows effects of buff/de-buff spells on creatures in battle with ctrl+click
-No longer says the negative effect of AFK but the effect is still there
-Gated creatures look different than normal troops
-Clan level requirement raised to level 5 (because of military clans)
-New MG success messages
-Shrews change their hair color on morale
-Zombies loose their heads :)
-Hobs wield different weapons
-Recruits with socks
-In the homepage says ''home'' in the URL

For 111: it is not fixed

For join hunts(victim called assistance against hunter)living victim suffer -1 morel if they called undead party. is it a new update i am not sure?

for Mohini:
Yes, it is new. But announced as an update

Grand Update Point #5 (https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1868152)
5) Merged hunts became subject to slight changes. From now on, if the factions of the two creature groups differ, their morale is 0. If one of the groups is undead and the other is neither undead, elemental, nor mechanical, the other group's morale is -1.
Also, experience and faction skill points will be divided equally between the two merged hunters.
In case of merged Necromancer hunters, they will still split gained skeletons depending on their Necromancer skill level.
hey,magi shots different
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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