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AuthorFree market suggestion
Hi admins, I would like to make a suggestion about the "money" part of this game.

1, From the beginning you are trying to hold the game economy firmly in your hands. If there's a resource missing, you fill it, if there's a mine broken, you give there a money, if there's an artifact missing, it's quite the same, as with defender shield when you increased a number of working posts.
2, Money vanishing from the game through artifact shop.
3, etc., many post have been written

The problem is, that with this the economy in this game can never be balanced.

I suggest this.
1, Game administration makes a patent and offers it for players to buy, for example a patent for "Defender shield producing" for 50.000 gold, "patent for Ore mining" for 10.000 gold.
2, Player has an option to set up a facility, for example a Mine for 50.000 gold as a founding price and 1000 gold for every working post, factory for 100.000 gold and 5000 for a working post.
3, With patent and facility player can start a standart production in a location he chooses. He can set the price of his goods and a wage for his workers in a reaction to the game situation. For example, if there's a shortage of Defender shields and he produces them, he can raise their price and set up more working positions with higher wage. On the contrary, if there's many Defender shields nobody wants, he can lower their price, so the workers' wage.

Now imagine many players doing this in many factories. For sure the game economy soon finds relative equilibrium, similarly to the situation in a real world.

Moreover, this could add an option to choose many interesting market strategies many players (and especially clans!) would appreciate.

I can write more in detail, but it's not necesary for now. Of course I am aware of the fact that even the real free market sometimes needs some government intervention, but in a way less measure than you now have to do. Don't be afraid to give the players more power - it WILL work and you will give them also more options in a "money" part of the game ;-)

Best regards
P.S. I know there are "8, Facilities as private real estates" in upcoming features, but I am not sure if that's what I propose.
no, will surely disbalance the game
for orkbustla:

how can you sure about it...
And then players can still enroll and not buy anything.
for God5end:
for orkbustla:

Why do you think so? Try to explain.

One more thing - the big difference is, that now, Empire, the only owner, holds the money he earns from selling through facilities. Real player wouldn't do that, he would invest it in game, for example enchanted artifacts (so he would provide bussines for enchanters).
And it's really a big amount of money Empire holds, could be some significant percentage of whole game property and it's OUT of the market circle.
And then players can still enroll and not buy anything.

I am trying to understand but I just can't. If player invests in his factory e.g. for 200.000 gold, he expect it to earn. So he do want you to be able to buy.
jrf, there are going to be facilites owned by clans, please do read the forums more deeply.. ;)
Ok, but still I can make a suggestion about how it could work ;-)
+1 to idea

Similar idea was already posted more than 50 times and some topics were quite long, but all of that was simply ignored.

All market and factory things here should be based on supply and demand. There should be no intervention of admins at all (except for bugs or cheaters).

And yes, some players should be very rich and others not. That's what it has to be in the game of Money (not just War).
3, He can set the price of his goods and a wage for his workers in a reaction to the game situation. For example, if there's a shortage of Defender shields and he produces them, he can raise their price and set up more working positions with higher wage. On the contrary, if there's many Defender shields nobody wants, he can lower their price, so the workers' wage.
Overly complicated think about the age range


i smell power abuse. The people who would own them would have drastic low wages, and high art prices. And if the soulution to this would be rule/wage min.max, there would be no point. they do that already.
When Owner drastically lowers wages, everybody will work somewhere else with higher wages, which will cause lower production of Owner's facility and propably lower profit too.
Any other smells? ;-)
just like houses only the rich will buy the blueprints. thus creating a monopoly. So if a few people have all the power all can abuse b/c the other is. It will be like the market. 100 g for work, 101 for work, 102 for work. the increase will only be by one and the item itself will probally be higher then it already is buy about 1 or 2k

my sniffer is sensative!
About price of items ... I can't predict if it would be higher or lower, I think some would be more expensive some cheaper.
Monopoly theoretically can be done, but I doubt it practically. All or almost all owners would have to come to an agreement and it won't happen. Theoretically it is possible in real world too, but it doesn't occur. I think there would be groups of 2 or 3 clans making bussines strategies together, but no group of all the richest.
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