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AuthorThrone battle

DE beats a necro :) i didn't really notice the poison for some reason..

necro didn't even poison you...
bad positioning+no tacktics there

What would you di if necro akt like this? ;)
i guess i would have switch the postions of the ladon and hydra
final score 8 wins 2 losses, not bad huzzahh..
Combat level: 6 (191058) +-1058

so i will be level 7 after the tournament?
what exactly is going on here? please
for Jasper319:
Do another non-tournament battle and you should level up.
10/10 wins as ezmode demon, awesome exp,

500 gold well spent + good fun
for Jasper319:
Tournament fights cannot cause any player to level up (thus your negative exp to next level). To level up, fight in any non-tournament battle and get some exp.
Hm the tourney becomes fairer and fairer .. :) I love this for sure .. :)
not all necros know how to play their cards:

quick question
changing factions is okay?
for Jasper319:
Yes. Though changing to DE will result in a problem:
DE v Demon:
No chance to win if Landos dont have a chance to make a hit: -3morale + fear attack...

DE v Elf:

Hard to win if blind will apply in firs hits.
I finished with 9 wins 1 lost

demons rule here, but necro with good tactic could kill me!

necro completely killed me with archliches poison-_-
MY 1st match up was Barbarian on Barbarian. He won initiative which hurt. I could have won if I was more patient perhaps, but on mirror match, initiative is a killer.
what do we get by winning in this tournament. And what happens after 10 games. Whats the result
Ah done all ,

( win out of 10 ;)

Meant 9 wins , mustve pressed shift !
well i got 8 wins from 8, and battlrd all factions, Hydras and DE, can not lose. colest even i came too (2 hydra left9 was against another DE
Best three are
1.Landons(Weak against:Nightmares)
2.Nightmares(Weak against:Clerics)
3.Archliches(Weak against:Nightmares,Thunderbirds)
4.Brilliant unicorns(Weak against:Nightmares,Archliches,Landons)
5.Thunderbirds(Weak against:Nightmares,Brilliant unicorns,Clerics)
6.Clerics(Weak against:Nightmares,Archliches,Landons)
7.Genies(Weak against:All).

And 50% damage depend on hero and their settlements
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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