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   Forums-->Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles-->

Authorbad sportmanship


unnecessary prolongation of the combat. proof of intentional doing:

5~88:[mrwhite]: i like to play with my victim
You really have no clue... YOU unnecessary prolongated the combat. I just did what you had done earlier. It's not nice when someone does that to you, is it?

Your rocs/thunderbirds could reach my hydras immediately, yet you waited and waited playing a "battle of nerves" or "chessmaster" trying to force me to run out of patience and make a silly move. It's not a matter of tactic, it's just lack of respect for the opponent. You are wasting the time of the other player. I showed you that two can play that game and because my ladons regenerate and make your hero hits useless, I can win only by hero attacks.
mrwhite's creatures have more HP. With the added advantage of creature ability being able to hit more than 1 target, he has a slight advantage.

Anita2008 may be able to hit first, but decided to not to strike first. This could be tactics. However when Anita2008 realised that waiting is more disadvantageous, decided to attack. mrwhite obviously knows that it benefits him to wait for Anita2008 to come.

Anita2008 later adopted a hit-and-run tactic, which apparently did not work too well.

At this point, both players are doing what anyone would have done; trying to do as best as they can. However it is at the time where only the Ladons and Rocs are left that the battle degenerates into pettiness.

mrwhite can easily move to finish Anita2008's remainint Rocs, but did not.
Likewise, I believe Anita2008 would have known that the game was lost, yet did nothing to end it quicker.

my opinion is that both parties are at fault and there is nothing to complain.

1~85:[mrwhite]: are you trying to bore me to death?
2~87:[Anita2008]: yes
3~87:[Anita2008]: just move your a...
There is in fact nothing against rules if either party wants to extend the battle in order to 1) last as long as possible 2) kill the other slowly by taking least damage. Unless there was a case of waiting till the last minute, I see for now that neither player is at fault. :)
closed by Zyanya (2009-11-19 11:15:21)
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