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Author10 hour enrolling level limit.
I am actually just restating an idea that came from Pang.

But after attaining level 10 the 10 hour enrolling limit should be removed considering its rather hard for level 10 and up to win a battle every 10 hours. And that the artifacts maintained to do a fight every battle cost a lot more. And considering this rule was made for people who do nothing but enroll for hours at a time without playing and then stay low level. This would still keep the new enrolling penalty viable but not make it so people are punished for having low success rates at time. Not to mention their are much fewer level 10's and up. So even though they would have higher labor guild they would not become an epidemic and largely I think the enrolling rule wasn't made for people who have attained those levels anyway.
I don't know about that being hard. If they do GBs, just on the odds they should be able win from time to time.

But I'm thinking of something related to AP. Something like AP+5.

I, myself, sometimes find it difficult to win a battle before the penalty starts and I've actually reached the 0.1 penalty once.
u dont need to win u just need 2 fight so wats wrong
nope, you have to WIN a fight, anyone saying it's just do a fight win or lose is wrong (trust me I got the penalty after losing alot of caravans hourly)
Tips for players who still like enrolling but less fighting.

After you enroll for 6x or more, go to Yellow Lake

There are many NEW Mercenary Quests and they are so easy. Just keep refusing the difficult one, and you will end up with the easy one which you can win with min Arts.
I am actually just restating an idea that came from Pang.

yeah, you can blame me when anything went wrong? LOL


oh, you can always guarantee a win among those gb? OR are you planning to create some unbalance gb like '1v3, lv10 vs lv3-3' to grab an easy win?


yes, with the new monster hunt, new MG the problem wont show up for a short period. but, it WILL come soon, it is just a matter on how fast will the problem rise up.
MG are really easy atm i got 8.5 rep
You can't be sure of a win, but if you do enough random GB eventually you'd be pretty likely to win one (half the participants have to every time)
doesn't it affected by hunts only.. Gb doesn't reset the penalty doesn't it?

for filowarrior:
That's only because you are very behind with your MG.

The whole problem is that after enough HG, MG, TG, the fights become hard enough that you really can't guarantee a win when you want one.

for passo:
1.) It gets harder to arrange a GB the higher level you are.
2.) You only win half (or maybe less) of your GBs.
3.) GBs also take a while to finish.

By the time you see 0.8 penalty and try to win a GB, you can easily go down to 0.1 penalty.
for Mr-Lord:
Any combat win resets the penalty.
Also, when you change your faction at high level. Oh well. Not impossible to win but hard enough to make you bleed.
Pantheon: perhaps it will become less hard to arrange as more people need to do battles regularly. That is why the Empress made the rule, to get those lazy Lords out onto the battlefield, was it not? And you've got the new influx of easy MG (and a few easy hunts from the new creatures) to give that time to happen.

And by the time you see 0.8, you'd already have enrolled 10 times since your last win, so it isn't like you didn't have time to do some battles then.
to get those lazy Lords out onto the battlefield, was it not?

So how come losing doesn't count towards it if that was the only intention?
for passo:
You probably never experienced this, but me and other high level players can tell you that losing is part of the game. I think my highest consecutive # of battles lost is probably a little over 100 with the highest time without a win is like around 1 month.

Granted I wasn't motivated to win like I am now. And at higher levels HG, MG, and TG becomes difficult even with full arts. You combine that with wearing min AP and switching factions, then losing is expected.
PvE trends toward losing, true, but half the people in any given (even sides) GB have to win, no getting around that.
I don t agree with any of you. Hard too win battle on lvl 10? lol But you have time too enroll 10 times? Come on help somebody in hunt, play gb or do some easy merc quest... I see people with 5k enrolls still lvl 12. What they got by pressing enroll so many times? They got enchanted wepons, if they bought tgi with dimonds they got 2 tgis, they did not have too spend so many arts in this unfair tgi hunt and wear so many arts. So many advantages over new players... so you want more advantages?
Simple : Rent.
Enroll 10 times,Rent a few arts, win a tg, Enroll 10 times, repeat.
and what about me?! when i play i do many combats and then i need to recover and raise my money to play again so why at least dont give me ratio 1 win 10 free enrollment 100%! i mean i win 5x then i need to recoop. i dont see any good in that rule, only made me play now more idiotically:( i must disturb/distribute wins between time for simple financial reasons!:(
i mean its not like anything change in my online time, only thing changed is that i need to wait until next battle instead of just go for it and then save money for expensive repairs! i mean if i can earn 30k in 10enrollment then i got no problems! but the current state is i need 50enrollment just to do 3arts repair on my level! i dont see logic in waiting for every 10th enrollment so only then i can play again, eventhough i can do it immediately, but i will need time later to recover?!
explain this logic!
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