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AuthorThe Blind Fold Tournament
So far in my battles, at my level, ie 10, WGW, EFL, LOS
and DS are clean clans. I have never met cheaters from these clans. Indeed, those who staged battles are only from one clan.
I don't know what is the situation for other levels.

It is quite simple to recognize them. Just check high efficiency guys after your battle. I guarantee you that you will face in any clan such a cooperation if you face an efficiency above 75%.

Btw, you don't need a clan chat, to locate enemies. if you open active clan's pages in tabs, you can simply go and check who is in which battle. (Time consuming but effective especially for locating who might be cooperating against you. In clan chat you can only locate your friends, not opponents)

Note 4ALL : Please do not twist my words. I am saying *cooperating* not *coordinating* Because if you are aware who is playing, you can simply *cooperate* by *not attacking* or by *helping for eliminating obvious threads*. No need to organize something.
two barbs with Ogre is fun )))
i see that two ogres played tennis with swordswmen)))
for Hexagram:
Not exactly. I have played 12 fair games before EW went crazily on teaming
up yesterday. I don't know what's wrong and what happened. Exactly yesterday,
even some of my friends in EW who were always playing fair games suddenly all
started to stage the battle. Of course they were rewarded with better score,
exp and fsp, but they lost the fun.
Just before yesterday, I didn't see so much staged battles as some of your
clan members described. EW are really ruining this tournament.
Dont u think indenpendent trigged on my troops too often?
3 time or 4 time in row. I click on my magi spell book want to use magic punch, but it attack by himself at the same time, this happen few time. admin pls check it?

Sorry for double post, also my hero casted a spell, and i defend with golem. I just miss 1 attack turn and my garg indenpendent attack wolve... A big disadvantage for wiz :'(
breach of rules sarliharrish, you are NOT allowed to fight yourself

sorry about bad englishlol

for sarliharrish:
Referencing the announcement:

if a player does not fight continuously, the troops begin to act independently. In order to reduce the probability of troops' waywardness or to regain control over independent ones, it is necessary to undertake military actions against an enemy, i.e. attack, cast spells etc.

thanks.. :)
i fully agree, i dont know about every other clan, but i do know that WCW are sometimes attacking each other from the start, cause we have no idea the other one is from our clan, we don't announce anything, even after knowing EW does it, our clan still does not allow such cooperation.

EW (not all but many) you are just to afraid to loose a little gold in this tournament. This game is free and in that matter not much will be done, but this being done in any other payed online game means immediate banning of all accounts, why? Cause it is pathetic...

thank you, just wanted to give my part.
[Post deleted by moderator Takesister // Bordering on insult]
[Player banned by moderator Takesister until 2009-12-07 11:14:38 // Bordering on Insulting]

not just EW, even DA do the same thing. they just team up to slay me in last few tour.

so far, WGW and EFL are still good for me.

no idea on PE, LOS and other, i had not face 2 of them in tour.

beside, i decide to stop join the tour. i will rejoin at 9 Dec which was the last 2 days before the tour end.... hope that those rapists had gather enough battle and leave my pity knight alone XD

I stuck in tournament battle, then i got kick out because of AFK and received -2 luck for 2 hours. I've tried to reload many times and i played normally until i get kicked out and receive that penalty. I want my arts durability and score back before i enter this battle !!!
@kiwi: I have faced the same situation. I have attacked fellow WGW members in some of these tournament battles simply because I didn't who was a clan mate and who wasn't. I'm happy that our clan is acting in the spirit of fair play and not staging the battles like other people do.
@ all who refers to staged combats :

3.16. Staged combats leading one of the parties to losing a priori will be punished for. A staged combat by definition is one where any one of the parties or party members intentionally loses to the other for any reason different from having technical problems with access to the game. Instigation to losing a combat is also forbidden.

Are there any evidence that one player intentionally loses to another one?
I think that when this rule was coined, they did not think about blindfold tourneys. I think they wanted this to apply to "normal" 2v2 or 3v3 fights, where a player from team 'A' loses because he has a friend/clanmate in team 'B'.

This rule does not make sense for blindfold tourney.

Just my 2 cents, no offense to anyone.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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