Author | Staged combat in Tournament |
Still ongoing, but hero one and hero five never hurt each other, even when they were together alone in the middle. The necro starts to hit me and only me (I'm not complaining, but it is an obvious tactic till kill long surviving factions first, note that when they had weakened me (hero 6 in dark green) to killable range, they started killing the other wizard) They started together chasing the other wiz and never hit each other when crossing path.
How obvious can this be?? Please consider this is a tournament match and will affect the outcome of the tournament. I hope harder penalty will be given out and possibly zeroing their scores, since it will affect others too.
P.S. Name to be given after combat over. |
Thats happend in last BF many times... and no one get penalty. |
Maybe when the names come out, it would be even clearer. Note they had no hesitation crossing each others path, and when nec had to choose who to kill, he killed me :p |
Hero 5:
CLan: EW
Hero 1:
Clan: EW!! |
you were standing next to other wizard, why did you not attacked him? you are just crying like small child because you have lose. when im looking on your xp it shows, you were just running away from battle hopping you will survive to the end and then maybe win. |
LOL, he had more gargs than me, if I attacked him, it would have been suicide.. XP didn't matter, my troops never went wayard did them?
Let's not go off-topic..
With all those said, allowing such teaming could result in jogamen, or any other teamers win the entire tournament, since:
-Any given group of 6 can not meet each other twice.
That means, as long as there are at least 6 other players playing other than those two teaming, it is a piece of cake to achieve full 20 staged combats. |
die like a man and not like crying baby bro.
barb has resistance against wizard, so if the other barb would not attacked me i would let him live to help killing you both faster. thats all |
1. Rule 3.16 defines "staged combat" as intentionally losing the combat (not joining together to defeat a third).
2. Local rule 8 ( specifies clearly that such treaties are not considered staged combats.
Though I sympathize with you about the sportsmanship of the tournament in such cases, in the view of the game rules with additional explanations in the local rule, your complaint is not founded. |
Well, in this case, if all these aren't enough to close the case, would the keepers please leave this report open until the end of the tournament, so no more staged combats are made between those, as FaithBringer stated in GGF tourney topic, it would be more convincing if they were to play more combats like this together. |
May I ask the same thing to you CGSMCMLXXV as I asked another guy in GGf topic..
Answer honestly, did that look temporary to you?
Quote Jedi-knight:
teaming up in a blindfold battle has never been against the rules, so why should it be any different now?
Coz this is not a casual FFA that anyone can set up?
This is a tournament. And the very definition of that word means doing one's best to win. If you KNOW who you are helping, and yet is deliberately giving your friend exp/fsp (not to mention gold since there's a prize involved), then it's as staged a combat as the definition allows. |
ok..same quote:
1. Rule 3.16 defines "staged combat" as intentionally losing the combat (not joining together to defeat a third).
2. CaA local rule 8 ( specifies clearly that such treaties are not considered staged combats.
Though I sympathize with you about the sportsmanship of the tournament in such cases, in the view of the game rules with additional explanations in the CaA local rules, this kind of treaties is not illegal. |
Quote FaithBringer:
However I do think that you can rapport them for some kind of ''staged'' battle especially when a player seems to fight with his clanmates multiple times.
That's why I asked keepers to keep this open until the thournament ends... |
However I do think that you can rapport them for some kind of ''staged'' battle especially when a player seems to fight with his clanmates multiple times.
They don't get to choose wether to fight with their clanmates or not, the participants are a random 6 people, so how are they to even know if their clanmate is even going to be in the same battle as them? |
for lcorndogl:
there were only 6 heroes joined in this case |
It still doesn't show which heroes had joined, there was no indication that any of the other players that had joined were friends or enemies |
Players discussing signs of pre-arranged staging...
Jedi-Knight: PLEASE, don't twist the facts. You are a level 12, so don't pull a fast one on me. There's NO way in heaven or hell that you know what my Griffins was gonna attack. It landed on you AFTER you hit me 3-4 times. So stop trying to make something out that's not factual. Thank you.
lcorndogl: you also had 5 things in fireball range, why would he therefor fireball one of the barbs or wizard, which have natural resistance against his magic, when you so kindly put 5 things in the way of it?
They fit my match perfectly..
Hiddenshadow: Which raises questions in my match. The liches he had, he could simply plundged into his teammate having all his orcs by each other, and yet he kept attacking my lone gargoyles? Gargoyles Def > Orc Chieves Def, if he value exp high like he said in my report.. why didn't he go for the pile, instead, they formed an alliance, from start to the end, and massarced everyone else??
Another thing, it would be nice if keepers and admins can explain the terms "Temporary alliance", "staged FFA", "war clans"(are they for uniting in a tournament? Do they serve as a third hand in these types of tournament) Or are they for the sole purpose of fun and clan wars?) etc more thouroughly, as opinions of players differ a lot. |
Definition is here:
3.16. Staged combats leading one of the parties to losing a priori will be punished for. A staged combat by definition is one where any one of the parties or party members intentionally loses to the other for any reason different from having technical problems with access to the game. Instigation to losing a combat is also forbidden.
Leading to one of the parties losing priori, neither of them intentionally lost to eachother |
well then this can fall under illegal teaming/bad sportsmanship.. |
Please refrain from posting here unless bringing new *facts*.
The application is being considered.
Thanks for your understanding. |
new fact, though i don't think it's a staged combat ofc. just two necros decided to kill a wizzie with high rating, and barb decided to help him, they just believed each other)
so how are they to even know if their clanmate is even going to be in the same battle as them?
it sounds so naive, especially from EW member (no offence). i found lords ambushing me easily with the help of "all character statistics" and now, after that ^ battle i'm checking members of 2 clans (EFL and EW) for fighting in the same battle as i do.
kotrin, don't ban me, i've posted a *fact* ^_^ |