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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
yo dude
bye guys :S
Name: Eric
DOB: 1997/05/15
Country: Taiwan (lol, ya, rly)
Gender: Male
Reason to become a flooder:
first my banned account was ericlei, however, it was banned because i foolishly accepted a guys request for giving out my pass for 20k, so well, that died. luckily, ive been training another account, my multi at that time, fireflame. It then turned into my main account seeing that ericlei is banned. (can i do this?) then I created the multi for fireflame, hellflame, now, well, I ditched both of the accounts because, it was getting hard and i did not collect enough money and etc... (lol) so now this is my only account...
second, i doubt a lot of people here is from taiwan, (most people don't even know where taiwan is O.o) well, im from there and well im 13 and stuff...
ya thats about it
oh ya, since i've been playing for such a long time now, i decided to explore the forums to see what i can find, and well i started seeing flooding and now im interested

shall this new flooder b approved ?
Name : Fadli
DOB : 27/5/1997
Country : Malaysia ( lol, ya, rly)
Gender : Male
Reason for being an ex-flooder:
First I got my first of my first account banned (savensea) because I was illegall transferring my gold to my multis, so, that died. I created more accounts, but got banned too because of too many accounts. I still remember them all, they are >10. Of course, I created more accounts, I keep flooding, spamming, blackmailing >.< and accusing people ( hahahahh! Im EVIL!). Im sure that at least >8 people here are from Malaysia, because this is our game genre to be loved. Im 13 (what a coincidence, we're born in the same month!) and stuff...
ya thats about it
oh ya, since I;ve been playing for such a long time now, I decided to FLOOD , SPAM, BLACKMAIL, HATING COMMENTS, NECROMANCY!!! And I got interested.

I hate to be a flooder again, because people always hinder me from them...
NA! I like being a flooder, not all people hate me, especially misself ( except for some occasions) ya, that's me in virtual life :p
LoL...now u all guys started to put application fpr floodein ?
its the new rule :D
no!!!! one at a time!!!! Let the privilege of being a flooder be really rare xD We will gain popularity that way :P
Hi mollore!
i think we flooders are popular !
yeah !!!!!

great !!! we r the greatest !

what it that mean ?
who knows ....
i wasted so much time reading this thread. oh well...
I wasted more time checking your profiles out...
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