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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
xD deth

gd mrng yal
so any gb or duel today ? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
no lol
i didnt ask u :P
( jkin )
doesnt matter i dont even try to lvl
fsp ?
"You cannot force someone to change, they can only change when the time is right"
nah just working to get my money from "Ghostbrian" asking for 10k and obviously i did give :( took me ages to get it the f&%&^^$ bas$%#
lol oh well
i hate the lg take down
now why is knight so weak? :(
hmmmmmmmmmmm he is jst a so called Friend !!!!

nt even a soo called

he sympathizes for gold only !
knights are very strong lol, be defensive thats all
oh ok...how? XD
@potato, knight is weak coz of ur fsp so not enough troops .....
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