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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
1.2k page!
lol, bet too much in tavern?
I think he got penalized XD
But his transfer log looks fine o.O

Btw, where is akshat? >.> <.<
he is blocked :P
No, epicwinner is not blocked. Though he does have a lot of loans outstanding. I told him already, don't bet so much on roulette :(
Hangman time :P

Guess one letter at a time.
Only can guess max 3 vowels and 10 consonants.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(Clue: Song title, Hello?)
oops, I guess I read the rules wrongly XD
I did not read the rules at all OO
Guess one letter at a time.
Only can guess max 3 vowels and 10 consonants.
how come suddenly LWM freeze? chat freezes too :O
Guess that was too easy.
One more!

If you know what word is it, make a guess.
If not, guess one letter at a time.
Only can guess max 3 vowels and 12 consonants.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(Clue: Computers, Will Steag)
i,o,a ?
One more!

If you know what word is it, make a guess.
If not, guess one letter at a time.
Only can guess max 12 consonants. No more vowels are allowed.

_ I _ _ O _ O _ _
(Clue: Computers, Will Steag)
M, N, L, T, H ?
If you know what word is it, make a guess.
If not, guess one letter at a time.
7 more consonants remaining. No more vowels are allowed.

M I _ _ O _ O _ T
(Clue: Computers, Will Steag)
C,R,P, F
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