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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
cya .....
Spammity spam. I spam, therefore I am.

for qio:
I don't have blue eyes or yellow hair :(
GRRR!I had to offline when I was going to get the Master Hunter Arrows!! Darn!! I'm so Angry!
Oh man, someone's angwy. Thing are going to get ugwy!
Haha..YUP! Things are gonna get angry...and UGLY!!
Oh man, someone's angwy
Wassup, No-Name..You should put your name..UNKNOWN!jkjk XD
If you are angwy, you should listen to Justin Bieber non-stop until you cool down.
too much of rain ! no school ! no exam !

Justin Bieber?!?! I heard he is..you know..G@y..:)
No, he is not! He dates girls, ok?

for -_NO--NAME_-:
Off to school holiday tutorial classes you go :)
too much of rain ! no school ! no exam !

No fair! We never got any holidays during school weeks, even though its raining, HEAVILY!
Oh really? How would you know? Are you a fan of him??!?!
tutorial classes

offcourse ! in this game !
Are you a fan of him??!?!
That's a secret!

Of course you wouldn't know he's dating girls if you are not a fan. Ooops... >.<
I'm NOT!! He sounds like a GIRL!!XD
No, he does not sound like a girl.
Guys who hate him are just jealous. Admit it :P
I'm not!! He just looks like a g@y, so I assumed he IS one!
How can you know the orientation of someone just by looking at him/her? That's a lame excuse for being jealous. :D
who are u guys talking about !
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