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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
hello again everyone
Hi. My name is Hewrin. I love playing foo'ball. Foo'ball is a game where you put the 'ball in the net. foo'ball plays with 2 teams. Each team has 11 players
yay! amazing insight hewrin
Hate going for the quote button and missing it then you have to highlight everything again... sigh
yay! amazing insight hewrin

More in 30 days!

Hate going for the quote button and missing it then you have to highlight everything again... sigh

Theres why theres a sport called "Archery".

Hate going for the quote button and missing it then you have to highlight everything again... sigh
;( Greece lost :(

for Hewrin:
No one is joining :(I'll go first then :)

6000 posts later....
;( Greece lost :(

guess they have no money to invest into thier team haha
for lik:

Malaysia won agaisnt everyone woohoo/!@
Australia is going to beat Germany... 4am tonight aus time join me for an all nighter everyone =)
Sure . will do!
A Great Wise Old Man once said . . . . everyone listened to him carefully . . . his words would have changed the whole world . . . . he said . . .

1+1 is not equal to 3!!!

That was the ultimate discovery of the millennium! xD

That was the ultimate discovery of the millennium! xD

nope, ultimate discovery since creation
Australia is going to beat Germany

Australia is going to beat Germany

1+1 is not equal to 3!!!
i miss the old flooding team ;(
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM