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It's That Time of the Year Again~


AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
i know i made it up myself =-)
Titans being the most powerful scares from goblins..xD
twilight dragons are afraid of the dark
why peoples scared from titans
they are just the watches
Dark elves always like to live in lights:)

Luck befalls Goblins!
Goblins deal 3 damage to Titans.
Titans flee in fear.
for ishan


and for hewrin..
rocs are afaird of rocks.lol!
-blush as hydra smiles at me- xD
Tamed Minotaurs are released in the zoo before coming to the DE Army
for Hydra96:
what did u want to show me?i knew they are dangerous but its an another meaning
its an watch company
for ishan

i know...... i was just joking..lol..:p

Gremlin engineers can not do engineering..xD
Infected zombies always remain ill..:)
Wizards forgotten their magic..:O
bad for them..xD
Hydra96 can't retaliate xD

the most fearful thing is fear itself
Necromancers-invaders {3}' have captured the '#23 - Sulphur dune'. Deal with them as soon as you can, and your reward will be waiting for you! You have 600 minutes.

Knight-invaders {2}' have captured the '#23 - Sulphur dune'. Deal with them as soon as you can, and your reward will be waiting for you! You have 600 minutes.

Seems like Sulphur dune is popular now =)
Luck befalls Goblins!
Goblins deal 3 damage to Titans.
Titans flee in fear.

i always knew barbs are too dumb!see!
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