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AuthorIt's That Time of the Year Again~
Well, cya later friends. I g2g :)
Well, whatever the outcome of this unfortunate penalty, don't take it personally guys. After all, this is just a game, not a real life penalty.
this is not the think kiz =((
omg dude !! im soo sry if i hurt u !!! but believe me ! we dnt want bigger issues !!! and tats y i mean it ! lets wait until arctic or lexa replies then i will loan u i swear !!!!!!

im so sry man !
bye fr nw. g2g to skl

bye kizzy
WTF ?!?!?! no right to hav a multi !??! eroshik is blocked !!!!!!1
huh...same with me

this game is getting worst nd worst..
me leaving this game~~~
You could have provided evidence that you returned those loans by showing links to your logs.

Some math to show you returned loans.
10-13-10 07:23: Received 30000 Gold from Akshat_mittal02 : loan cleared..thanx a lot))
10-13-10 06:55: Received 100000 Gold from Akshat_mittal02 : 30,000 gold left friend)))
10-12-10 14:44: Transferred 10000 Gold to Akshat_mittal02 : loan
10-12-10 14:44: Transferred 30000 Gold to Akshat_mittal02 : loan
10-12-10 13:15: Transferred 30000 Gold to Akshat_mittal02 : loan
10-12-10 11:32: Transferred 30000 Gold to Akshat_mittal02 : loan
10-12-10 10:12: Transferred 30000 Gold to Akshat_mittal02 : loan

Transferred a total of 1,30,000 Gold to Akshat_mittal02 : loan
Received a total of 1,30,000 Gold from Akshat_mittal02 : loan cleared

Transferred on 10-12 and returned on 10-13 -> 1 day gap which fulfils the 1 month rule.
500 Akshat_mittal02 Split 13, 16 9,000
5,500 Akshat_mittal02 Straight up 13 198,000
Ball landed on 23

Your stakes:
Stake Player Bet on Winnings
500 Akshat_mittal02 Corner 20, 21, 23, 24 4,500
5,500 Akshat_mittal02 Straight up 23 198,000
hi but by, gona go sleep lol
liky in da house
cibai..stupid lexa
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