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AuthorBarbarian faction topic
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Hey, just wondering. Since I wanted a barbarian laters..

Although I don't think fraction level matter that much, but then is it a big lost without fraction skill? Or I'm onto some lack of magic proof ability?
well with all those magic proof arts out i suppose you could be ok but i say at least have a bit of barb faction skill

could someone tell me how orcs deal about 300 damage at level 6 as seen in the #1 barb in the second survival tournament
#2 Becoming a barbarian later in the game will most of all effect your speed, and your possibilty to own wizards - not beat, but own.
Barbarians are nearly as effected as switching to Dark elves later in the game, since they need the speed for their shrews to become a factor in ths battle, if they are late, they won't become a factor for the game. Barbarians needs the speed for taking down mages, elven bowmen and other orcs, which is fast creatures too. with the same faction skill you, as a barbarian, must not have under 5% of the elf's because then there is a chance his bowmen will be before yours - which can cause a loss.

#3 Orcs are lusting for blood, so everytime a barbarian kills a stack of groups they will get +1-3 atk, depending on the strength of the group - 2 and 3 is very rare, so lets just say it is +1 atk every stack a barbarian kills.
I, P3nnyw1se, had personally +42 atk when I finished second in the second survival @ lvl 9. - non luck hit ~1250 dmg

- Notice the bloodlust effect only affects the orcs, and not the rest of a barbarians units.


#2 the initiative is quite a factor, it CAN be the factor for who there has to take the chance to go in with a morale, but else it isn't that much a loss.

#3 because of bloodlust ability
What are some good tips for a level 4 barb that like free for alls? Is there a secret to barbs?
#5 FFA aka Free for all is one of the worst things for a barbarian, in lvl 4. because all what we barbarian have is low hp men - so I suggest not going after a victory, but killing as much as possible, which means either take 100% in orcs or wolves and then rest in the opposite and last goblins. - if you have diamond-upgraded goblins you should take up in those as primary thing and then orcs.
In lvl 4 barbarians simply aint got the power for free for all, though in lvl 5 it helps a lot with the ogres which got 50 hp.

and in lvl 5 remember to take thrusting might which help help you take down the unfair bowmen which pwns your orcs :)


#5 no big secrets either watch the fight and hope to win by being attacked last, or be the first to attack. (lvl 4)
what is the best talents for a lvl 6 barb?
#7 For a lvl 6 barbarian there is 2 good choices, which depends on your playingstyle.

I'd suggest Basic offence and battle fury since the wolves/hobgoblins are taking more and more over the battlefields and becoming a quite good factor in a fight

or basic offence + thrusting might. If you meet one with the same speed as yours you can force him forward because your hero is the strongest, so to prevent losing by hero attacks he/she has to go forward, and now you can punish for his move.


#7 Basic offence and battle fury or Basic offence and Thrusting might
then is there a strategy for lvl 5
#9 like my post #6 nearly said in lvl 5... take ogres, then orcs, then hobgolbins/wolves (depends which ones you like to use, I myself, liked wolves). The reason not skipping orcs is that people fast forgetting about the orcs and focussing on the melee threats, as they are more powerful than then ranged...

I know there is a little bit difference between lvl 5 and 10, but the principal is the same.. this is taken from this second blindfold, ended with 33 orc cheifs left.


I remember from lvl 5 that the ogres were quite "heavy", and will therefore not be taken down, and your talent thrusting might will become handy here since you can live very long.

Before entering a FFA I'd suggest you to make up your mind wether you would like to win the fight, and maybe end up with low xp, or just try to ensure the best xp.

The best xp is leaded by leading your ogres as fast as possible to a nearby "starting pit" to take out their ranged and then use your ogres to humiliate all the others one by one.

Win is aquired by defending with the ogre and making your hero do the work, as you do quite some heavy atk.

Reading the game is a must to get out of it cheapest as possible, that is about knowledge, can't help you there.


Talents: Thrusting Might
Recruitment: max in the following order: Ogre, Orc, Wolf/Hobgoblin
what abotu arts what should i get in use at the moment i have 20 k
#11 at lvl 5 there isn't much to choose in between so get a nice sword and then get amulet of luck and such kind, buy the cheapest parts first to ensure the best stats as possible, in lvl 5 it should be around 10 atk and 11 defence :) morale rings are awesome with ogre
Yea what about theif at lvl 6.I kno u have to have around 150k to finish it in 2 weeks
#13 The rules has just been changed, you now need to buy a TGI.. renting is not allowed anymore... so that will take some time.

but thiefs:

lvl 6: https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=9430620 further experience have told me that the ogre should have been 2 more squares up for the best benefits, and one orc close to the wolf to take retail.

lvl 7 I began to use wolf raiders, so can't help you very much there.
#3, #4 Thanks a lot
13# I gonna have to save up my money
how much gold should u have goin into level 5 for barb i have 52k+
How much money you should have realy varies. I have 19k, which is pretty low.
I have my own reasons though. The two biggest one are the fact that i am in warriors-guild-wrath. It cost me 750 to join the clan, 5k to get to champion rank. 16k to join the war clan and at least another 20-25k to get full arts for the dwarf war.

Now i'm almost to level 6 not almost levl 5. I would say your doing very well going into level 5. Good job
sorry for double post, but i just notcided that your LG level is pretty low, you might want to do something to raise it.
yea thx for "good job" and thx for advice
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