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AuthorAFK punishment should be increase...
So long i played this game.. everytime i group battle... someone AFK... And mostly Noob AFK on my team (Im so unlucky)
Even though i already write no afk.. but they still afk and make me lost durability and just a little EXP...

So my suggestion is:

-Increase Punishment for AFK
--> -2 Luck , -2 Atttack , -2 Defend For 2 Hours And 30 Minutes
-Make AFK's Team partner not lost Durability of The Equipment on the battle...
-Increase Punishment for AFK
--> -2 Luck , -2 Atttack , -2 Defend For 2 Hours And 30 Minutes
- not a time ! --------------------- for 3 battles

-Make AFK's Team partner not lost Durability of The Equipment on the battle ...
- i think somone players can cheat with that ...

but ! i think we need more punishment for player who creat the battle or ask assistance in hunt

i HATE the player who ask assistance and don t play ...
For -bonechire-

How bout AFK's team partner not lost durability if winning the battle...
#2 is right

AFKing in PvP should not le you play at all for 2 hours. If it's done again in the next 24 hours, it should not let you play for 5 hours. And when I say play, I mean pvp, hunt, merc quest and anything!

AFKing when asking for assist, should LOWER your HG skill by 3 points and give the point and the gold to the assister.

This is how I see it.
For DarkSooth

I don't think lowering the HG points by 3 is a good idea... Maybe the AFKer in hunting assistance got some prob against the internet , maybe other prob of emegency.

-So maybe just lowered it by 0.5 ... The AFKer still got 0 EXP and SP...
Sorry i mean...

How bout AFK's team partner not lost durability if losing the battle... But lost durability if winning the battle...
#5 0.5 is good too, and gold/huntpoint to the assiter
The way i see it, an argument always brought up is "What if they had internet problems" or "What if theres a flood" because of this admins must keep it low.

But what if it escalated for each time you go AFK? Go afk once, -2 luck for two hours go afk again in 24 hours the dude gets more severe punishment, do it again withen 24 hours of the second time and your fined gold. No one with half decent internet connection is going to go AFK more than 1 every day or two, and if the internet connection is realy that bad they shouldn't play thiss game.
-bonechire-Hear, hear! Yes, I think lowering Parameter points for BATTLES & not a time period is a great idea. And if I gotta read one more 'connection problem' excuse, I'm gonna scream!

The vast majority of AFKers are NOT due to connection problems; but inconsideration and thoughtlessness. I'm all for AFKers having to reimburse the costs of artifact durability to teammates who are left in the lurch ... and also AFKers should NOT be allowed to collect experience points or Gold either!
if i gotta read one more person complain about "connection problem excuse" i gonna scream!

i lose connection in middle of hunt once and player make complaint to get me penalty now next time i loses connection i get blocked forevers! so for me personally afk penalties already too harsh
I agree with all but if someone got AFK due to his net problem..? then?
this thing will harm him..:(
Maybe admins can make the game recognise it when the player gets timed out due to connection problems or when he drops or is idle because of lack of interes.
Keep in mind that there are players who play several games at once and they are AFK because of that.

1) For AFK'er: no gold, no FSP, no HGP (despite combat result)
2) For assistant to AFK'er: all gold if he wins
3) AFK'er must pay (automatically, of course) 1000 gold to every his teammate + 200 to every player on the opposite team
4) Player with negative gold shouldn't be able to join PvP battles at all
5) any temporary punishment is absolutely pointless and should be removed(such as -2 luck)

The payment isn't very big, so this won't be a big problem to players who sometimes lose connection.

And those players, who often lose connection, must not play PvP at all, because AFK'ers are making this game really bad for other players.
If you are often AFK then do only Player vs Monsters battles.
well if you comapare my gold to yours it is a lot
for stepher:
yes, in your case 1000 gold is not small amount.
But I didn't say that it has to be a very small price - it is a punishment (so, don't go PvP if you are often AFK).

Maybe payment has to depend on combat level.
For example:
100*lvl gold to every his teammate
20*lvl gold to every player on the opposite team
I absolutely agree with Robai. I made a similar suggestion few weeks ago.
AFKing when asking for assist, should LOWER your HG skill by 3 points Thats a great idea. then when i get to hard battle ill just afk lower my rank and fight easier hunts. +10
The vast majority of AFKers are NOT due to connection problemsYour right lets punish the rest of the AFKers who dont mean to AFK.

I do like the idea of 3 combats, but i think it should be 3 HG combats or 2 hours. ONCE ONE IS MET IT STOPS. If you increase the penality or change it to 3 combats imagine getting that person on your team. I wouldn't want them -2 att, -2 def, -2 luck. He might as well go afk again, cuz we're gonna loose.

there has been a discussion on that already. 1000 for every teammate on 3v3 =2900. That is a lot. plus giving gold is another way for people to cheat the system. Multi acc battles
Blood_Moon, the hunts wont get easier after lowering your HG skill by 3 points.
there has been a discussion on that already.

AFK problem has been discussed hundreds of times (that problem is the most discussed problem in all times).

I already suggested gold penalty to AFK'ers more than 16 months ago:
(14th post)
For Robai #13

I think this case can cause staged battle , which mults will afk and other mults get money ...
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