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AuthorLG rule suggest
Short talk:
Anything that limit access to enrollment is bad for the game!
LG rule didn't limit access it limited repeated exclusive access to enrollment.

Actually this is exactly what is needed. You said it yourself with this example:
Defender shield blacksmith (SH) for example has at the moment over 1000 items in stock (at 3,300) worth over 3 million gold!

Production is way too high compared to demand. There is no shortage of players willing and able to enroll into production facilities.

The enrollment penalty helps decrease supply by effectively decreasing LG efficiency.

Of course all this decrease in the supply doesn't matter if demand is so low. For demand increase ideas I point out all the other topics created to use resources or create production facilities for level 7+ arts.
OK, last 2 days made me nuts...
think again everybody, who disagreed with the initial suggestion...

yesterday admins refilled the money of all production facilities...
some of them are stalled due to lack of resources...
no ore, no steel, no nickel, no magic powder, no mercury, not much wood...
only sulphur needed least as the mines shows...
ore is above 190 on the market, gems and mercury is increased somewhat....
reflex buy and F5-battles in all facilities...

is it good?
yesterday admins refilled the money of all production facilities..
They don't refill the money (actually they didn't refill, they simply cheated, and used a bot for empire to buy every single stuff on the facities in 1 sec...
So the facility simply had all their resources sold and money received.
Still -1, because admins don't "refill" money every week, now do they? Or every month?
And I just realised something - in the quote, it says only production facilities. Actually admins did that to all. If they didn't, there would certainly be more then enough resources to sell to the production facilities.
-100 it would KILL the resource market.

Less production in producing facility
=> Less demand for resource
=> Less gold in machinery (do anyone use what they produce EXCEPT for producing facility?)
=> Less demand in mines
=> Less gold in mines
=> frozen economy with higher market prices.

I agree, second worst idea ever (whereas worst is restrictions)

Why add to your greed when you already have a high multiplyer. This would lead to rich players getting richer and richer.
you have higher market prizes for resources...
empty mines, and machinery...
when will it rebalance? never since some arts are dont needed...

ivoo678, darksooth: i know that u have low LG skill thats the only reason u disagree with me... and i am a sole player, no other character in LordsWM...
ivoo678, darksooth: i know that u have low LG skill thats the only reason u disagree with me... and i am a sole player, no other character in LordsWM...

1. First look at the players level
2. Your idea would ruïn the whole laborers guild idea because only 2-3% of the people would be able to enroll
#22, #23
Actually it was neither. Admins just put in 0 to both stock and resources; and then put 1-10 million gold in each facility.

Why did they do this? My guess is that they are tired of refilling gold back into the mines every few weeks. So they did a full reset of all facilities, which would have the economy moving for a bit longer before dying again. Also the full reset would allow admins to view the statistics on how fast the economy can supply or demand of each resource/art. They also tinkered with the wages and workslots, which I believe would help, but isn't a permanent solution.

I like this idea because it rewards the higher LG and restricts players to the lower wages. Since our problem is overproduction this would help. Also for factories the high LG players should be able to keep consistent high supply coming in for the high demand arts while the low demand art factories would just stop.

Then combine this with lowered wages for mines. Something I came up with while discussing the facilitiy issue in GGF: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1875930&page=2

Then lastly with the work penalty and new adjustments admins are doing, the facilities should be somewhat stable.
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