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   Forums-->Ideas and suggestions-->

AuthorBoss Raid
Hi all,

I'm thinking about new type of game play, where group of three or more players can fight a boss with its minions.

When we win the game, we have chance to get Faction Set Items or Gold.

To fight the boss, we simply buy a key / license to fight. Each fight need 1 license per player.

Just an ideas, what do you think?
Sorry for my bad English. :P
how much for each key?
i would suggest -10k...
Then the gold gotten back from the boss has to make it worthwhile - 10k+
yea or the arts
shouldnt cost 10k what if you lose?that will blow so much money.and if you win you get good arts and 10k?then every1 will be millionaires in a week
1: We have events for this.
2: Their would be a lot of balancing issues.
3: Reward unrealistic,
for DSil:
new type of game play, where group of three or more players can fight a boss with its minions.
That's what the upcoming war is like. Just be patient.
If you are talking about a battle where like one large creature or something with 1000+ hp is on the field fighting against you and or more people along with that "boss"'s minions attacking you as well then i think that would be pretty neat. For example if there was 1 wave of something then another, and then the boss with more minions comes out.

Who knows, i think that would be fun^ :)
true but also quite diificult.maybe you should make this stuff easier
maybe it could be an addition to the merc guild's wave? wave + monster perhaps. :)
Or we could have 3 stacks of creatures: Two un-upgraded and one upgraded

Example: 2 stacks of vampires and 1 stack of vampire counts in between the vamps
+ 1 very creative ;)
for magicboy:
It is actually from HOMMV
it is actually from lineage as i see, raid bosses with extremely high hp and powerful army - i would even suggest 6 players against 1 npc, situated in the center, but i doubt the current battlefield count could get all in :), Full art and group strategy required. also special mods for MCs :)
speaking of which i have given it another thought and here are some lines to add
- u can sell the keys not to the players but military clans, which actually will give MCs any significance in this game (since they don't yet control the resources), for example each MC can get 1 raid boss per combat level for some set sum of gold, then they get 6 players together, hand them out the best eqwuipment for this level and off they go.

also, you can implement the clan war - the warring clan can 'drop in' 1 or 2 players who will actually help the boss and prevent the attacking clan to win the battle, this will solve the riddle of boss' minions :). if clan does not help the boss the heroes will be changed to the usual monsters, who heal, buff and assist their master...

as an alternative, you can make any player be able to participate in boss raids only once in 2-3 days,so that the MCs will be forced to find more and more even low-level players, which means more activity in the game for starting levels. nowadays clans are something more like money-making machines with all the taxes and nothing gained. Or interest clubs... anyway, where was i?
to give some real boost, you have to invent some really neat stuff which can only be recieved through the boss fights - for example here we can get those pets the admins talked about a year ago, as a drop - an egg of a dragon, , which can be turned to a hatchling or something even cuter,or a behemoth cub who helps you out in battles and so on. But the boss fights rule, it will be a new breath to the PvP battles and clan battles :) I hope someone of those who care reads this =)
for those of you who can read\write russian i have opened the same topic about raid bosses on heroes forum, where i have put more ideas and sense into boss fights. u are all welcome to participate

i know it is an offtopic but hope moderators will see the sense of this idea and won't block me or delete the message. after all the goal is to make this game better for the players. thanx!
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